Usualy when talking to people one of the goals is to convey ideas. It’s not mandatory to participate in talk but I figured that conveying that the line is dead informs whether to abandon the activity asd pointless or to engage in repair conduct.
I do know that a lot of people have softer views and people with great technical skill can have very “harsh” worldviews. And often they do not fully appriciate the philosophical problems their models have when it seems their models details are driven by a particular sort of need for detail. A materialistic stance is useful to demand and to accept thought time sacrificed to entertain and form long and detailed explanations.
The comparison to what I know of the world generally is really hampered as I don’t understand that well what “materialist stance” is supposed to refer to.
It is certainly not the case that I am at duty to accept your thesis because I can’t come to understand it. It might be fine even if a little disapointing to “agree to not understand” when even “agree to disagree” is often discomforting.
Another relevant option is that people downvote and don’t reply and the author is left wondering why there is no engagement around the topic. This would correspond ot the stance of “if I am not understood I don’t want to know about it”
If everybody would be at liberty to scramble the english dictionary and speak only in their scrambling of it communication would be very laboursome. In order to not have a “let’s find out what your dictionary is” part to every conversation there needs to be some minimum level of respect for established terms.
I feel it’s also a good communication practise to declare when you are not part of the common understanding early rather than late. Thus saying “you lost me at ‘materialistic stance’” I feel like am making the task of upcoming explanation as easy as possible by setting it up at a point where most other concepts are understood and where the job of explaning is predictably not that long.
I guess there is a danger that somebody might deliberately play dumb to avoid processing of views they oppopse. But I have also a principle that I can’t say tht somehtign is dumb before I understand what it is getting at. Thus rather than holding a hardly or not legible claim against the speaker it’s more akin to having said nothing.
Okay sensations in connetion to those categories I kind of understand. But it would seem that this should somehow make clearer how qualia or “materialist stance” enters the picture.
I was unsure whether “property dualism” is the same or different as neutral monism. Wikisearching gives such things as “property dualism is epistemic as distinct from ontic” while it seems here the ontic is of relevance. And it would seem that the view still thinks that there is only physical basic ontological stuff. That would seem to make it a materialist stance when it was supposed to be an example of a system that had a non-materialistic aspect.
Non-materialistic aspect seems to be relevant. Does qualia somehow exhibit it?
Usualy when talking to people one of the goals is to convey ideas. It’s not mandatory to participate in talk but I figured that conveying that the line is dead informs whether to abandon the activity asd pointless or to engage in repair conduct.
I do know that a lot of people have softer views and people with great technical skill can have very “harsh” worldviews. And often they do not fully appriciate the philosophical problems their models have when it seems their models details are driven by a particular sort of need for detail. A materialistic stance is useful to demand and to accept thought time sacrificed to entertain and form long and detailed explanations.
The comparison to what I know of the world generally is really hampered as I don’t understand that well what “materialist stance” is supposed to refer to.
It is certainly not the case that I am at duty to accept your thesis because I can’t come to understand it. It might be fine even if a little disapointing to “agree to not understand” when even “agree to disagree” is often discomforting.
Another relevant option is that people downvote and don’t reply and the author is left wondering why there is no engagement around the topic. This would correspond ot the stance of “if I am not understood I don’t want to know about it”
If everybody would be at liberty to scramble the english dictionary and speak only in their scrambling of it communication would be very laboursome. In order to not have a “let’s find out what your dictionary is” part to every conversation there needs to be some minimum level of respect for established terms.
I feel it’s also a good communication practise to declare when you are not part of the common understanding early rather than late. Thus saying “you lost me at ‘materialistic stance’” I feel like am making the task of upcoming explanation as easy as possible by setting it up at a point where most other concepts are understood and where the job of explaning is predictably not that long.
I guess there is a danger that somebody might deliberately play dumb to avoid processing of views they oppopse. But I have also a principle that I can’t say tht somehtign is dumb before I understand what it is getting at. Thus rather than holding a hardly or not legible claim against the speaker it’s more akin to having said nothing.
Okay sensations in connetion to those categories I kind of understand. But it would seem that this should somehow make clearer how qualia or “materialist stance” enters the picture.
I was unsure whether “property dualism” is the same or different as neutral monism. Wikisearching gives such things as “property dualism is epistemic as distinct from ontic” while it seems here the ontic is of relevance. And it would seem that the view still thinks that there is only physical basic ontological stuff. That would seem to make it a materialist stance when it was supposed to be an example of a system that had a non-materialistic aspect.
Non-materialistic aspect seems to be relevant. Does qualia somehow exhibit it?