Most of people believe in an existence of the world around us. When I say existence, I don’t mean existence in a mathematical sense such as “there exists ε > 0”, I mean existence as something “real”, “fundamental”.
On the other hand, the very same people believe there is nothing such as “soul, qualia, god, call it whatever you like it”. I find that strange, because every single argument against existence of soul can be used against existence of the physical world around us.
Take this one for example:
“Of course you say that you feel like you’re more than a mere atoms, that’s just a manifestation of the way atoms inside you are aligned.”
And contrast it with:
“Of course it seems that mathematical model is real and stuff is happening there, it’s by the very definition of that mathematical model that it should look real”.
Most of people believe in an existence of the world around us. When I say existence, I don’t mean existence in a mathematical sense such as “there exists ε > 0”, I mean existence as something “real”, “fundamental”.
On the other hand, the very same people believe there is nothing such as “soul, qualia, god, call it whatever you like it”. I find that strange, because every single argument against existence of soul can be used against existence of the physical world around us.
Take this one for example:
“Of course you say that you feel like you’re more than a mere atoms, that’s just a manifestation of the way atoms inside you are aligned.”
And contrast it with:
“Of course it seems that mathematical model is real and stuff is happening there, it’s by the very definition of that mathematical model that it should look real”.