“Project your voice and speak loudly,” is not rationalist advice, unless your goal is to be loud. If your goal is to be heard and maybe listened to, I suggest advice that matches those goals, where volume and projection are tools rather than the goal.
So, um, in the interest of providing a constructive replacement rather than solely offering criticism,
Horoscope: Speak effectively. Start with speaking so you can be heard clearly by your audience, whether it is one person or a group.
“Smile!” is a bold and simple exhortation, but I think it is worth one crucial adjective. Horoscope: Smile sincerely.
“Project your voice and speak loudly,” is not rationalist advice, unless your goal is to be loud. If your goal is to be heard and maybe listened to, I suggest advice that matches those goals, where volume and projection are tools rather than the goal.
So, um, in the interest of providing a constructive replacement rather than solely offering criticism, Horoscope: Speak effectively. Start with speaking so you can be heard clearly by your audience, whether it is one person or a group.
“Smile!” is a bold and simple exhortation, but I think it is worth one crucial adjective. Horoscope: Smile sincerely.