Awesome idea! It just so happens that I’ve been thinking about daily goals—for example, “Strike up a conversation with a random person”, or “Remember to project your voice and speak loudly”, or even something as simple as “Smile!”.
The interface for horoscope submission is somewhat awkward—if I want to submit multiple horoscopes, I have to re-type my name/email address each time.
That is inconvenient. Unfortunately, it’s part of tumblr, rather than anything I can actually change.
You can certainly submit more than one horoscope at the same time, though. Just leave a line between them or something so it’s clear they’re meant to be different things.
Awesome idea! It just so happens that I’ve been thinking about daily goals—for example, “Strike up a conversation with a random person”, or “Remember to project your voice and speak loudly”, or even something as simple as “Smile!”.
The interface for horoscope submission is somewhat awkward—if I want to submit multiple horoscopes, I have to re-type my name/email address each time.
That is inconvenient. Unfortunately, it’s part of tumblr, rather than anything I can actually change.
You can certainly submit more than one horoscope at the same time, though. Just leave a line between them or something so it’s clear they’re meant to be different things.