I actually guess even fewer houses than you’re thinking did it (I think I only know if like 1-3).
In my own house, where I think we could have come up with the Pigouvian tax, I think when we did all our initial negotiations in April, I think the thinking was “hunker down for a month while we wait to see how bad Covid actually is, to avoid tail risks of badness, and then re-evaluate” but then it turned out by the time we got to the “re-evaluate” step, people were burned out on negotiation.
I actually guess even fewer houses than you’re thinking did it (I think I only know if like 1-3).
In my own house, where I think we could have come up with the Pigouvian tax, I think when we did all our initial negotiations in April, I think the thinking was “hunker down for a month while we wait to see how bad Covid actually is, to avoid tail risks of badness, and then re-evaluate” but then it turned out by the time we got to the “re-evaluate” step, people were burned out on negotiation.
(So far we have 3 -- my house, Event Horizon, and Mark Xu’s house, assuming that’s not also Event Horizon.)
Mark Xu’s house is not EH.