I think things like ‘the ineffable redness of red’ are a side-effect or spandrel. On my account, evolution selected for various kinds of internal cohesion and temporal consistency, introspective accessibility and verbal reportability, moral justifiability and rhetorical compellingness, etc. in weaving together a messy brain into some sort of unified point of view (with an attendant unified personality, unified knowledge, etc.).
This exerted a lot of novel pressures and constrained the solution space a lot, but didn’t constrain it 100%, so you still end up with a lot of weird neither-fitness-improving-nor-fitness-reducing anomalies when you poke at introspection.
This is not a super satisfying response, and it has basically no detail to it, but it’s the least-surprising way I could imagine things shaking out when we have a mature understanding of the mind.
I think things like ‘the ineffable redness of red’ are a side-effect or spandrel. On my account, evolution selected for various kinds of internal cohesion and temporal consistency, introspective accessibility and verbal reportability, moral justifiability and rhetorical compellingness, etc. in weaving together a messy brain into some sort of unified point of view (with an attendant unified personality, unified knowledge, etc.).
This exerted a lot of novel pressures and constrained the solution space a lot, but didn’t constrain it 100%, so you still end up with a lot of weird neither-fitness-improving-nor-fitness-reducing anomalies when you poke at introspection.
This is not a super satisfying response, and it has basically no detail to it, but it’s the least-surprising way I could imagine things shaking out when we have a mature understanding of the mind.