I have since read articles about growing shade crops under solar panels. This is a thing. The panels have to be spaced out though. It’s not going to be as energy-dense as a dedicated solar plant.
Enhanced Geothermal looks really promising, particularly heat mining of hot dry rock. It’s both green and baseload, and it leverages a lot of the oil-drilling tech, including deep bores and fracking. I wonder how much Big Oil is going to transition to geothermal over the coming decade.
Fusion also looks really promising right now. The joke was that it was always just fifty years away, even ten years later. I don’t think it’s that long anymore. Tokamaks basically work now, and improved superconductors have made the required electromagnets much more compact and less expensive. There are also other promising approaches in the works. Only one has to work.
I have since read articles about growing shade crops under solar panels. This is a thing. The panels have to be spaced out though. It’s not going to be as energy-dense as a dedicated solar plant.
Enhanced Geothermal looks really promising, particularly heat mining of hot dry rock. It’s both green and baseload, and it leverages a lot of the oil-drilling tech, including deep bores and fracking. I wonder how much Big Oil is going to transition to geothermal over the coming decade.
Fusion also looks really promising right now. The joke was that it was always just fifty years away, even ten years later. I don’t think it’s that long anymore. Tokamaks basically work now, and improved superconductors have made the required electromagnets much more compact and less expensive. There are also other promising approaches in the works. Only one has to work.