I think it’s mostly a question of knowing which integer to change where (it might be more than just an integer, like adding an extra condition to an “if” or something, but I don’t expect the change itself to be particularly big), comitting the change to github, and deploying the version with the change (and without including any other risky untested work-in-progress changes to the code that may also be on github). It’s not just a config parameter that an be changed at runtime.
Trivial inconveniences and all that.
I think last time someone tried to fix this problem, they did it not by setting a karma threshold, but by adding a (better?) kapcha to registration, or adding a captcha for posting when you have zero karma, something like that. It probably seemed like a fine idea at the time, but bots crowdsource captchas by reusing them on humans trying to get access to porn / downloads.
I think it’s mostly a question of knowing which integer to change where (it might be more than just an integer, like adding an extra condition to an “if” or something, but I don’t expect the change itself to be particularly big), comitting the change to github, and deploying the version with the change (and without including any other risky untested work-in-progress changes to the code that may also be on github). It’s not just a config parameter that an be changed at runtime.
Trivial inconveniences and all that.
I think last time someone tried to fix this problem, they did it not by setting a karma threshold, but by adding a (better?) kapcha to registration, or adding a captcha for posting when you have zero karma, something like that. It probably seemed like a fine idea at the time, but bots crowdsource captchas by reusing them on humans trying to get access to porn / downloads.