An excerpt from the introduction (tldr: beware of eating yourself):
This book is about how to make a complete map of everything you think for as
long as you like.
Whether that’s good or not, I don’t know- keeping a map of all your thoughts
has a freezing effect on the mind. It takes a lot of (albeit pleasurable) work,
but produces nothing but sight.
If you do the things described in this book, you will be immobilized for
the duration of your commitment.The immobilization will come on gradually,
but steadily. In the end, you will be incapable of going somewhere without
your cache of notes, and will always want a pen and paper w/ you. When you
do not have pen and paper, you will rely on complex memory pegging devices,
described in “The Memory Book”. You will never be without record,
and you will always record.
You may also articulate. Your thoughts will be clearer to you than
they have ever been before. You will see things you have never seen before.
When someone shows you one corner, you’ll have the other 3 in mind. This is
both good and bad. It means you will have the right information at the right
time in the right place. It also means you may have trouble shutting up. Your
mileage may vary.
See: How to Make a Complete Map of Every Thought you Think [pdf]
An excerpt from the introduction (tldr: beware of eating yourself):