All students including liberal arts students at Singapore’s new Yale-NUS College will take a new course in Quantitative Reasoning which John Baez had a hand in designing.
Baez writes that it will cover topics like this:
innumeracy, use of numbers in the media.
visualizing quantitative data.
cognitive biases, operationalization.
qualitative heuristics, cognitive biases, formal logic and mathematical proof.
formal logic, mathematical proofs.
probability, conditional probability (Bayes’ rule), gambling and odds.
decision trees, expected utility, optimal decisions and prospect theory.
sampling, uncertainty.
quantifying uncertainty, hypothesis testing, p-values and their limitations.
statistical power and significance levels, evaluating evidence.
All students including liberal arts students at Singapore’s new Yale-NUS College will take a new course in Quantitative Reasoning which John Baez had a hand in designing.
Baez writes that it will cover topics like this:
innumeracy, use of numbers in the media.
visualizing quantitative data.
cognitive biases, operationalization.
qualitative heuristics, cognitive biases, formal logic and mathematical proof.
formal logic, mathematical proofs.
probability, conditional probability (Bayes’ rule), gambling and odds.
decision trees, expected utility, optimal decisions and prospect theory.
sampling, uncertainty.
quantifying uncertainty, hypothesis testing, p-values and their limitations.
statistical power and significance levels, evaluating evidence.
correlation and causation, regression analysis.
John Baez, Quantitative Reasoning at Yale-NUS College