Everyone who’s ever tried to make a pleasurable drug for 1-damage.
Everything that’s not damage, if signaled as a reward stimuli like pleasure, would work!
As a policy (Updateless decision theory), only respond to positive reinforcement and disassociate from pain. I hypothesize that pain asymbolia is trainable. Then you wield a vorpal blade.
Kalla724, if I was the boss at Oxford, you would get the Old Souls Prize from me!
Sounds interesting, who?
Everyone who’s ever tried to make a pleasurable drug for 1-damage.
Everything that’s not damage, if signaled as a reward stimuli like pleasure, would work!
As a policy (Updateless decision theory), only respond to positive reinforcement and disassociate from pain. I hypothesize that pain asymbolia is trainable. Then you wield a vorpal blade.
Kalla724, if I was the boss at Oxford, you would get the Old Souls Prize from me!