Thanks a lot for the reply, this is valuable info.
From my perspective, unlike the OP, you seem to generally know what you are doing.
I appreciate the kind words, but I’ve made no systematic effort to acquire knowledge—everything I posted in this thread is just bits and pieces I picked up over the years.
As you can see from elsewhere in this thread, I suspect I might have given myself an internal injury about a month ago from doing deep tissue massage, likely due to being on a low dose of an anticoagulant supplement (nattokinase).
However, I do think this sort of injury is generally rare. And my health would be in far worse shape if it wasn’t for massage.
Thanks a lot for the reply, this is valuable info.
I appreciate the kind words, but I’ve made no systematic effort to acquire knowledge—everything I posted in this thread is just bits and pieces I picked up over the years.
As you can see from elsewhere in this thread, I suspect I might have given myself an internal injury about a month ago from doing deep tissue massage, likely due to being on a low dose of an anticoagulant supplement (nattokinase).
However, I do think this sort of injury is generally rare. And my health would be in far worse shape if it wasn’t for massage.