Short answer: No, and trying this does significant damage to people’s health.
The prototypical bulimic goes through a cycle where they severely undereat overall, then occasionally experience (what feels from the inside like) a willpower failure which causes them to “binge”, eating an enormous amount in a short time. They’re then in a state where, if they let digestion run its course, they’d be sick from the excess; so they make themselves vomit, to prevent that.
I believe the “binge” state is actually hypoglycemia (aka low blood sugar), because (as a T1 diabetic), I’ve experienced it. Most people who talk about blood sugar in relation to appetite have never experienced blood sugar low enough to be actually dangerous; it’s very distinctive, and it includes an overpowering compulsion to eat. It also can’t be resolved faster than 15 minutes, because eating doesn’t raise blood sugar, digesting raises blood sugar; that can lead to consuming thousands of calories of carbs at once (which would be fine if spaced out a little, but is harmful if concentrated into such a narrow time window).
The other important thing about hypoglycemia is that being hypoglycemic is proof that someone’s fat cells aren’t providing enough energy withdrawals to survive. The binge-eating behavior is a biological safeguard that prevents people from starving themself so much that they literally die.
Short answer: No, and trying this does significant damage to people’s health.
The prototypical bulimic goes through a cycle where they severely undereat overall, then occasionally experience (what feels from the inside like) a willpower failure which causes them to “binge”, eating an enormous amount in a short time. They’re then in a state where, if they let digestion run its course, they’d be sick from the excess; so they make themselves vomit, to prevent that.
I believe the “binge” state is actually hypoglycemia (aka low blood sugar), because (as a T1 diabetic), I’ve experienced it. Most people who talk about blood sugar in relation to appetite have never experienced blood sugar low enough to be actually dangerous; it’s very distinctive, and it includes an overpowering compulsion to eat. It also can’t be resolved faster than 15 minutes, because eating doesn’t raise blood sugar, digesting raises blood sugar; that can lead to consuming thousands of calories of carbs at once (which would be fine if spaced out a little, but is harmful if concentrated into such a narrow time window).
The other important thing about hypoglycemia is that being hypoglycemic is proof that someone’s fat cells aren’t providing enough energy withdrawals to survive. The binge-eating behavior is a biological safeguard that prevents people from starving themself so much that they literally die.