I also think that ignoring the loss of people who can’t reasonably dance in masks is a mistake, but that’s strictly my opinion rather than a shortcoming of your writeup.
It isn’t now, which means the inclusion of those people isn’t counted a loss. When you revisit the analysis in six months or two years, will you remember to put them in then?
I also think that ignoring the loss of people who can’t reasonably dance in masks is a mistake, but that’s strictly my opinion rather than a shortcoming of your writeup.
At least here maskless dancing wouldn’t be an option even if I was in favor of it: https://www.somervillema.gov/news/public-indoor-face-covering-mandate-place-somerville https://www.cambridgepublichealth.org/services/diseases-conditions/Covid-19/masks.php
It isn’t now, which means the inclusion of those people isn’t counted a loss. When you revisit the analysis in six months or two years, will you remember to put them in then?