You could have AutoAutoRateLimits. That is, you have some target such as “total number of posts/comments per time” or “total number of posts/comments per time from users with <15 karma” or something. From that, you automatically adjust the rate limits to keep the target below a global target level. Maybe you add complications, such as a floor to never let the rate limit go to None, and maybe you have inertia. (There’s plausibly bad effects to this though, IDK.)
You could have AutoAutoRateLimits. That is, you have some target such as “total number of posts/comments per time” or “total number of posts/comments per time from users with <15 karma” or something. From that, you automatically adjust the rate limits to keep the target below a global target level. Maybe you add complications, such as a floor to never let the rate limit go to None, and maybe you have inertia. (There’s plausibly bad effects to this though, IDK.)