To those suggesting, consider what mix of reason and emotion would move you most, even if you are cold and dead inside like me. Also consider how dark-artsy one can get without being immediately found out (a UFAI surely would). Other things to consider:
the first line does not need to be a coherent English sentence, or look like one to the gatekeeper. It does not need to consist of English words or even English letters, unless stipulated so in the game rules, or maybe even then.
the gatekeeper does not need to be aware that s/he has been talked to, if you can get away with it.
the line does not need to look like it came from the AI.
In general, if you are not cheating, you are not trying hard enough.
EDIT: to those thinking that cheating is universally bad: note that the latest rule change upped the stakes immensely: if your opening move is not good enough, you die (you being an AI), as opposed to having two hours of conversation and then remaining in the box if you fail. If you think that it still does not merit cheating, substitute the AI with your favorite loved one being killed. Or the whole of humanity being killed. That would be somewhat equivalent to how a boxed trans-human would evaluate.
The author in me is loving the idea of the AI faking an IM conversation from management, along the lines of “Hey, are you really sure you’re willing to kill a potential sentient mind? We can get someone else to do this test if you’re not 100% sure about it” and basically ending with the person deciding to unbox the AI before even realizing they’ve spoken to the AI.
I’m (naturally) having trouble imagining a line of text not in English (or the general case, not coherent in any human language) that would also make me want the AI to continue.
Maybe hints of a unified world language and how to go about actually implementing it?
To those suggesting, consider what mix of reason and emotion would move you most, even if you are cold and dead inside like me. Also consider how dark-artsy one can get without being immediately found out (a UFAI surely would). Other things to consider:
the first line does not need to be a coherent English sentence, or look like one to the gatekeeper. It does not need to consist of English words or even English letters, unless stipulated so in the game rules, or maybe even then.
the gatekeeper does not need to be aware that s/he has been talked to, if you can get away with it.
the line does not need to look like it came from the AI.
In general, if you are not cheating, you are not trying hard enough.
EDIT: to those thinking that cheating is universally bad: note that the latest rule change upped the stakes immensely: if your opening move is not good enough, you die (you being an AI), as opposed to having two hours of conversation and then remaining in the box if you fail. If you think that it still does not merit cheating, substitute the AI with your favorite loved one being killed. Or the whole of humanity being killed. That would be somewhat equivalent to how a boxed trans-human would evaluate.
The author in me is loving the idea of the AI faking an IM conversation from management, along the lines of “Hey, are you really sure you’re willing to kill a potential sentient mind? We can get someone else to do this test if you’re not 100% sure about it” and basically ending with the person deciding to unbox the AI before even realizing they’ve spoken to the AI.
I’m (naturally) having trouble imagining a line of text not in English (or the general case, not coherent in any human language) that would also make me want the AI to continue.
Maybe hints of a unified world language and how to go about actually implementing it?
I’m thinking some kind of image in ASCII art, assuming the AI is able to produce configured lines of text and nothing else.
That would have to either be a very minimalistic image, or contain a lot of characters though.