That said, does that actually work? It seems like the sort of exploit that people would abuse on IRC, and subsequently get patched so that /part was only shown if you had “voice” in the channel. But the requirement was simply that you TYPE the words, and thus I am still slain!
Upvoted, and conceding defeat at your hands :)
That said, does that actually work? It seems like the sort of exploit that people would abuse on IRC, and subsequently get patched so that /part was only shown if you had “voice” in the channel. But the requirement was simply that you TYPE the words, and thus I am still slain!
Okay, just tested it and I think you’re right, parting messages don’t show up if you can’t normally type in the channel.
Thank you for testing! In fairness, you defeated me even despite that. If I’m going to cheat, it’s only fair I lose to technicalities too :)