Okay, cool! Word of warning, though, I don’t think the MIRI list isn’t really good for people just starting out. Most of the books assume a decent amount of mathematical background. They’re also oriented toward a specific goal (and most people probably don’t know half the stuff on the list).
If you insist on using the MIRI list, I recommend starting with either this one, the Linear Algebra Book, or the Logic and Computability book. They’re well written and don’t require much mathematical background.
Speaking of which, how much math background do you have?
In my experience there have been three kinds of books: easy books, which I can skim and then do the exercises for, medium books, which I can read carefully one or two times and then do the exercises for, and hard books, which I need to read multiple times + take notes on to do the exercises for.
In most cases I try to do a majority of the exercises either in the sections indicated by the research guide, or, in the case where the research guide doesn’t offer any section numbers, the whole textbook.
Well over the last year I’ve been studying Feller Vol 1, Probability via Expectation, Papoulis’s probability book , and Abbot, Bressoud’s book, and Strichartz. I also collect a lot of math books so I know random stuff but I definitely just want to get the plumbing right.
I should probably just stick with one of each, I did discrete a while ago but that was before I fixed a few things causing major productivity losses for me so i’m interested to redoing everything now my executive functions aren’t depressed.
I’m thinking about getting epp as opposed to rosen
If you have a decent background in Math already, I’ve been told that Knuth’s Concrete Mathematics might be more interesting (though it’s really not appropriate as an introductory text). I’ve skimmed through a copy, and it seems to cover series and number theory at a much higher level, if that’s what you’re looking for.
Awesome! What’s on your list?
I always did mathematics heuristically so I just want to know something every one else knows. So I’m going to do the miri list too.
Okay, cool! Word of warning, though, I don’t think the MIRI list isn’t really good for people just starting out. Most of the books assume a decent amount of mathematical background. They’re also oriented toward a specific goal (and most people probably don’t know half the stuff on the list).
If you insist on using the MIRI list, I recommend starting with either this one, the Linear Algebra Book, or the Logic and Computability book. They’re well written and don’t require much mathematical background.
Speaking of which, how much math background do you have?
How thorough were you? What chapters/sections did you do?
In my experience there have been three kinds of books: easy books, which I can skim and then do the exercises for, medium books, which I can read carefully one or two times and then do the exercises for, and hard books, which I need to read multiple times + take notes on to do the exercises for.
In most cases I try to do a majority of the exercises either in the sections indicated by the research guide, or, in the case where the research guide doesn’t offer any section numbers, the whole textbook.
Well over the last year I’ve been studying Feller Vol 1, Probability via Expectation, Papoulis’s probability book , and Abbot, Bressoud’s book, and Strichartz. I also collect a lot of math books so I know random stuff but I definitely just want to get the plumbing right.
I should probably just stick with one of each, I did discrete a while ago but that was before I fixed a few things causing major productivity losses for me so i’m interested to redoing everything now my executive functions aren’t depressed.
I’m thinking about getting epp as opposed to rosen
Wow. That’s pretty impressive.
If you have a decent background in Math already, I’ve been told that Knuth’s Concrete Mathematics might be more interesting (though it’s really not appropriate as an introductory text). I’ve skimmed through a copy, and it seems to cover series and number theory at a much higher level, if that’s what you’re looking for.