Have you considered a CAPTCHA-like system whereby you must solve some propositonal logic puzzle or calculate conditional probabilities before being allowed to comment?
It seems to me that something like this may help promote constructive discussion by (1) filtering out those of low analytical ability, (2) bumping those with sufficient analytical ability up into system 2 thinking, and (3) priming everyone with a problem in which they are actually seeking an answer rather than merely justifying a previously held belief.
I think that that would be a very interesting experiment. You’d have to choose a problem that people couldn’t simply Google, but we aren’t aiming for a perfect filter, just a good enough filter.
I am not convinced you use the same circuits for these two. I mean, if you mean politics in the sense “does a proposed law X make things better” then yes, but if you want to go deeper into ideologies and philosophies and trying to hunt down and slay the mind-killers, like, getting to the point where people don’t get their panties in a bunch when they hear words like capitalism or socialism, you need to use more empathy driven circuits, mirror neurons...
Have you considered a CAPTCHA-like system whereby you must solve some propositonal logic puzzle or calculate conditional probabilities before being allowed to comment?
It seems to me that something like this may help promote constructive discussion by (1) filtering out those of low analytical ability, (2) bumping those with sufficient analytical ability up into system 2 thinking, and (3) priming everyone with a problem in which they are actually seeking an answer rather than merely justifying a previously held belief.
I think that that would be a very interesting experiment. You’d have to choose a problem that people couldn’t simply Google, but we aren’t aiming for a perfect filter, just a good enough filter.
I am not convinced you use the same circuits for these two. I mean, if you mean politics in the sense “does a proposed law X make things better” then yes, but if you want to go deeper into ideologies and philosophies and trying to hunt down and slay the mind-killers, like, getting to the point where people don’t get their panties in a bunch when they hear words like capitalism or socialism, you need to use more empathy driven circuits, mirror neurons...