The content of the shirts was terribly distracting from the style, especially 1-3.
8 and 14 seem strong, clean, legible, and a good length for a quip.
You don’t have much room for visual distraction if you’re trying to say something at all complicated.
As for what to put on it...
ooh, I just thought of a bumper sticker, in the style of ‘I brake for X’: ‘I Update on Evidence’
‘I Update on Evidence’
“Update” is LW jargon, for most people “updating” is what their computer does at inopportune times.
It might be a bit obscure, but it’s not LW jargon!
...actually a bumper sticker that mentions something about updating one’s posterior might be worthwhile X-)
Thanks for the feedback!
The content of the shirts was terribly distracting from the style, especially 1-3.
8 and 14 seem strong, clean, legible, and a good length for a quip.
You don’t have much room for visual distraction if you’re trying to say something at all complicated.
As for what to put on it...
ooh, I just thought of a bumper sticker, in the style of ‘I brake for X’: ‘I Update on Evidence’
“Update” is LW jargon, for most people “updating” is what their computer does at inopportune times.
It might be a bit obscure, but it’s not LW jargon!
...actually a bumper sticker that mentions something about updating one’s posterior might be worthwhile X-)
Thanks for the feedback!