Polls to figure out which text to work from. There’s no way to undo your vote, so please vote carefully and leave a comment if you made a mistake or changed your mind.
Links for your convenience: current homepage, my homepage; current about page, my about page; current FAQ, my FAQ.
Which home page blurb should we work from? (Results)
The one that’s currently on the homepage
The one I wrote to replace it
Which about page text should we work from? (Results)
The text that’s currently on the about page
The text I wrote to replace it
Which FAQ should we work from? (Results)
The existing FAQ
The FAQ I wrote to replace it
I voted for the existing FAQ by mistake. Is there a way to undo a vote? If not, please manually or mentally subtract 1.
I made similar mistakes initially on all 3 polls, heh. I’ll redesign them try to make them a bit more intuitive.
State of the voting before I redid the polls, taking in to account mistakes made by me and Wei Dai:
1 vote in favor of the home page blurb I wrote to replace existing one.
1 vote in favor of the text I wrote to replace the existing about page.
3 votes in favor of the FAQ I wrote to replace the existing one.
If you voted on the original poll, please don’t vote on the new one.
Click the highlighted up/down hand to remove the vote.
Polls to figure out which text to work from. There’s no way to undo your vote, so please vote carefully and leave a comment if you made a mistake or changed your mind.
Links for your convenience: current homepage, my homepage; current about page, my about page; current FAQ, my FAQ.
Which home page blurb should we work from? (Results)
The one that’s currently on the homepage
The one I wrote to replace it
Which about page text should we work from? (Results)
The text that’s currently on the about page
The text I wrote to replace it
Which FAQ should we work from? (Results)
The existing FAQ
The FAQ I wrote to replace it
I voted for the existing FAQ by mistake. Is there a way to undo a vote? If not, please manually or mentally subtract 1.
I made similar mistakes initially on all 3 polls, heh. I’ll redesign them try to make them a bit more intuitive.
State of the voting before I redid the polls, taking in to account mistakes made by me and Wei Dai:
1 vote in favor of the home page blurb I wrote to replace existing one.
1 vote in favor of the text I wrote to replace the existing about page.
3 votes in favor of the FAQ I wrote to replace the existing one.
If you voted on the original poll, please don’t vote on the new one.
Click the highlighted up/down hand to remove the vote.