I’m assuming this is something like a high school level physics class, and that this specific problem hasn’t been discussed before the test. In that case I think it’s a sufficiently hard problem that if you’re going to ask it on a test, then it should be a multi-part series of questions that leads to towards the right mode of thinking. Maybe something like, “1) What happens to the average speed of molecules in an ideal gas when it gets heated up? 2) How, if at all, does this affect the speed of sound? 3) How, if at all, do changes to V and P affect the speed of sound in an ideal gas?”
I’m not sure how to imagine ‘a lot more context’ for this question, can you provide an example?
I’m assuming this is something like a high school level physics class, and that this specific problem hasn’t been discussed before the test. In that case I think it’s a sufficiently hard problem that if you’re going to ask it on a test, then it should be a multi-part series of questions that leads to towards the right mode of thinking. Maybe something like, “1) What happens to the average speed of molecules in an ideal gas when it gets heated up? 2) How, if at all, does this affect the speed of sound? 3) How, if at all, do changes to V and P affect the speed of sound in an ideal gas?”