People competent enough about intelligence enhancement tech to understand what you said are usually too incompetent about racism to start implementing anything like this without it blowing up in our faces. Remember that video where Razib Khan (?) asked Eliezer which groups were most interested in race-IQ research results, and it went like “I don’t know, Ashkenazi Jews?” “White supremacists.” “Oh.”? That’s how ridiculously ignorant we are. The common wisdom is here for a reason.
Yeah. Lots of people mention the finding that white people are smarter in average than black people, but few of them mention that East Asians and Ashkenazi Jews are even smarter.
(And if I was asked about that, I’d answer “Yes, it has been found that white people have a higher average IQ than black people, but then again, Asians and Jews have an even higher one”, so that I don’t lie but still get to piss extreme-right-wingers off.)
The same. Hell, I remember reading the comments on such some alt-right blog—maybe UR, maybe some other one—and seeing a bunch of “white nationalists” who frequent those first imply that intelligence is the only measure of a person that matters, then trying to wriggle out of proclaiming the Jews to be the world’s only rightful aristocracy and bowing down before them; that “argument” basically went like “We embrace Nature’s truth if it makes us smarter than someone, but we aren’t obliged to shit if someone ends up smarter than us.” Equating “smarter” with “superior”, of course.
People competent enough about intelligence enhancement tech to understand what you said are usually too incompetent about racism to start implementing anything like this without it blowing up in our faces. Remember that video where Razib Khan (?) asked Eliezer which groups were most interested in race-IQ research results, and it went like “I don’t know, Ashkenazi Jews?” “White supremacists.” “Oh.”? That’s how ridiculously ignorant we are. The common wisdom is here for a reason.
Remember reversed stupidity is not intelligence.
Referring to this (video here)?
Yeah. Lots of people mention the finding that white people are smarter in average than black people, but few of them mention that East Asians and Ashkenazi Jews are even smarter.
(And if I was asked about that, I’d answer “Yes, it has been found that white people have a higher average IQ than black people, but then again, Asians and Jews have an even higher one”, so that I don’t lie but still get to piss extreme-right-wingers off.)
The same. Hell, I remember reading the comments on such some alt-right blog—maybe UR, maybe some other one—and seeing a bunch of “white nationalists” who frequent those first imply that intelligence is the only measure of a person that matters, then trying to wriggle out of proclaiming the Jews to be the world’s only rightful aristocracy and bowing down before them; that “argument” basically went like “We embrace Nature’s truth if it makes us smarter than someone, but we aren’t obliged to shit if someone ends up smarter than us.” Equating “smarter” with “superior”, of course.