Masturbating too often can be bad for you. (The writer of that article advocates stopping altogether, but in my experience—and in that of many of the commenters there—going below one or two ejaculations per week can have drawbacks overweighing the benefits.)
Worse, the one link provided says the opposite of what the author claims! (Hint to whatever idiot wrote it: “beating off kills your testosterone levels” is not a correct description of a study in which testosterone levels did not change during abstinence except for a transient spike a week later. The second study does not support the claim either, and there are no other studies mentioned.)
Anecdote & assertion.
Pheromones, oh dear, but let’s look closer anyway… Oh, not a single study is cited in the link anyway, so I don’t have to facefault like in #1.
Yes, that’s probably true. It doesn’t matter. (Do men actually need to find women more attractive?)
Anecdote & assertion
Anecdote & assertion, and even more than #4, this is a reason to masturbate.
Masturbating too often can be bad for you. (The writer of that article advocates stopping altogether, but in my experience—and in that of many of the commenters there—going below one or two ejaculations per week can have drawbacks overweighing the benefits.)
That’s not a very good article.
Anecdote & assertion.
Worse, the one link provided says the opposite of what the author claims! (Hint to whatever idiot wrote it: “beating off kills your testosterone levels” is not a correct description of a study in which testosterone levels did not change during abstinence except for a transient spike a week later. The second study does not support the claim either, and there are no other studies mentioned.)
Anecdote & assertion.
Pheromones, oh dear, but let’s look closer anyway… Oh, not a single study is cited in the link anyway, so I don’t have to facefault like in #1.
Yes, that’s probably true. It doesn’t matter. (Do men actually need to find women more attractive?)
Anecdote & assertion
Anecdote & assertion, and even more than #4, this is a reason to masturbate.
I actually read that article before when checking out that silly website. It’s really very typical of them.
Yes, in the trivial sense that doing anything “too” often is by definition bad.