Let’s do the impossible and think the unthinkable! I must know what those secrets are, no matter how much sleep and comfort I might lose.
I haven’t read any comments yet but why do I have a feeling this will be trigger a thread where lots of LWers come out of the closet? I feel left out, being pretty much flaming unPC I can’t elicit any drama that way. :(
I’m very surprised at just how up voted the contrarian statements are in this thread, I must have significantly underestimated how popular certain opinions are among rationalists in private. I’ve read a few that have surprised and even disturbed me.
Yet I’m also just so excited about what I’ll find here tomorrow morning. This thread might actually have been a good idea.
Bear in mind that some contrarian statements might have been upvoted for being valuable as examples and contributions to the thread, rather than for substantial agreement. Also there is a selection effect: a contrarian sharing an unpopular opinion is very likely to upvote it when seeing a kindred spirit, but a non-contrarian who doesn’t share it is unlikely to downvote it (especially in a thread like this one where the point is to encourage contrarian opinions to come out).
I’ve up-voted several lists containing statements with which I disagree (some vehemently so), but which were thought provoking or otherwise helpful. So, even if this is just anecdotal evidence, the process you described seems to be happening.
You’re supposed to upvote posts if you want more posts like that. I want more posts in the reference class of “providing the kind of content the OP asks for”.
I haven’t read any comments yet but why do I have a feeling this will be trigger a thread where lots of LWers come out of the closet? I feel left out, being pretty much flaming unPC I can’t elicit any drama that way. :(
I’m very surprised at just how up voted the contrarian statements are in this thread, I must have significantly underestimated how popular certain opinions are among rationalists in private. I’ve read a few that have surprised and even disturbed me.
Yet I’m also just so excited about what I’ll find here tomorrow morning. This thread might actually have been a good idea.
Bear in mind that some contrarian statements might have been upvoted for being valuable as examples and contributions to the thread, rather than for substantial agreement. Also there is a selection effect: a contrarian sharing an unpopular opinion is very likely to upvote it when seeing a kindred spirit, but a non-contrarian who doesn’t share it is unlikely to downvote it (especially in a thread like this one where the point is to encourage contrarian opinions to come out).
I’ve up-voted several lists containing statements with which I disagree (some vehemently so), but which were thought provoking or otherwise helpful. So, even if this is just anecdotal evidence, the process you described seems to be happening.
You’re supposed to upvote posts if you want more posts like that. I want more posts in the reference class of “providing the kind of content the OP asks for”.