You aren’t meant to be able to anti-react to a reaction that no one else has reacted (but there are some minor bugs that make this not be fully enforced). Tooltip should probably be on the right rather than below, will fix.
You aren’t meant to be able to anti-react to a reaction that no one else has reacted
But this seems bad, then, given the current stable of reactions!
I understand it from the standpoint of interaction design, of course—but then it seems like you should add opposite-valence reactions for those reactions which currently make sense as standalone anti-reacts (see my other comments in this thread for some examples).
You aren’t meant to be able to anti-react to a reaction that no one else has reacted (but there are some minor bugs that make this not be fully enforced). Tooltip should probably be on the right rather than below, will fix.
But this seems bad, then, given the current stable of reactions!
I understand it from the standpoint of interaction design, of course—but then it seems like you should add opposite-valence reactions for those reactions which currently make sense as standalone anti-reacts (see my other comments in this thread for some examples).