I don’t like the idea of it happening. But if it does, I can certainly disclaim responsibility since it is by definition impossible that I can affect that situation if it exists.
Actually, with our expanding universe you can get starships far enough away that the light from them will never reach you.
But I see we agree on this.
That appears to me to be an insoluble problem. Once intelligence (not a particular person but the quality itself) can be impersonated in quantity, how can any person or group know he/they are behaving fairly? They can’t. This is another reason I’d prefer that the capability continue not to exist.
But is it possible to impersonate intelligence? Isn’t anything that can “fake” problem-solving, goal-seeking behaviour sufficiently well intelligent (that is, sapient; but potentially not sentient, which could be a problem.)
I could argue about the likely consequences, but the logic chain behind my arguments is quite short and begins with postulates about individual rights that you probably don’t accept.
When it comes down to it, ethics are entirely a matter of taste (though I would assert that they’re a unique exception to the old saw “there’s no accounting for taste” because a person’s code of ethics determines whether he’s trustworthy and in what ways).
I strongly disagree with this claim, actually. You can definitely persuade people out of their current ethical model. Not truly terminal goals, perhaps, but you can easily obfuscate even those.
What makes you think that “individual rights” are a thing you should care about? If you had to persuade a (human, reasonably rational) judge that they’re the correct moral theory, what evidence would you point to? You might change my mind.
One can’t really have a moral code (or, I believe, self-awareness!) without using it to judge everyone and everything one sees or thinks of. This more or less demands one take the position that those who disagree are at least misguided, if not evil.
Oh, everyone is misguided. (Hence the name of the site.) But they generally aren’t actual evil strawmen.
Actually, with our expanding universe you can get starships far enough away that the light from them will never reach you.
But I see we agree on this.
But is it possible to impersonate intelligence? Isn’t anything that can “fake” problem-solving, goal-seeking behaviour sufficiently well intelligent (that is, sapient; but potentially not sentient, which could be a problem.)
I strongly disagree with this claim, actually. You can definitely persuade people out of their current ethical model. Not truly terminal goals, perhaps, but you can easily obfuscate even those.
What makes you think that “individual rights” are a thing you should care about? If you had to persuade a (human, reasonably rational) judge that they’re the correct moral theory, what evidence would you point to? You might change my mind.
Oh, everyone is misguided. (Hence the name of the site.) But they generally aren’t actual evil strawmen.