Guess we have different takes on the matter, then. I’m an educator at heart, and it seems that one needs to reach people where they are at in order to have a beneficial impact on the world through raising the sanity waterline, whether regarding donations or other areas of life.
I’m an educator at heart, and it seems that one needs to reach people where they are
I’m sorry, outside of mandatory schooling educators teach people who ask to be taught. Those who “reach people where they are” to further their own aims are called other, less complimentary names.
I have no wish to be shaped or “reached” by various people who might think it useful, especially if it mostly involves making my pockets easier to pick.
The project of raising the sanity waterline is what I am dedicated to
Actually, you’ve been talking about raising money for EA. Raising the sanity waterline in the rich West is not an EA goal because there is no efficient $/QALY ratio there.
Actually, I’d disagree—raising the sanity waterline in the rich West is an EA goal, to the extent that raising the sanity waterline causes people to be more rational about their donations, and thus give to more effective charities. This is very much a meta-goal, of course, and one that has a great deal of impact. In the EA movement, this is called movement-building.
raising the sanity waterline in the rich West is an EA goal
An explicit EA goal to which it is willing to commit money?
I don’t mean it in the sense of “it would be nice if X happened”, I mean it in the sense of “we will spend resources to move this forward”. The EA movement-building has narrow focus and is not concerned with the general raising of the sanity waterline.
My thoughts?
The product of “modern marketing strategies” will go into the spam bin, and the marketers will go into the scum bin.
Guess we have different takes on the matter, then. I’m an educator at heart, and it seems that one needs to reach people where they are at in order to have a beneficial impact on the world through raising the sanity waterline, whether regarding donations or other areas of life.
I’m sorry, outside of mandatory schooling educators teach people who ask to be taught. Those who “reach people where they are” to further their own aims are called other, less complimentary names.
I have no wish to be shaped or “reached” by various people who might think it useful, especially if it mostly involves making my pockets easier to pick.
I hear that’s not your preference. The project of raising the sanity waterline is what I am dedicated to, and that is a project of education.
Actually, you’ve been talking about raising money for EA. Raising the sanity waterline in the rich West is not an EA goal because there is no efficient $/QALY ratio there.
Actually, I’d disagree—raising the sanity waterline in the rich West is an EA goal, to the extent that raising the sanity waterline causes people to be more rational about their donations, and thus give to more effective charities. This is very much a meta-goal, of course, and one that has a great deal of impact. In the EA movement, this is called movement-building.
An explicit EA goal to which it is willing to commit money?
I don’t mean it in the sense of “it would be nice if X happened”, I mean it in the sense of “we will spend resources to move this forward”. The EA movement-building has narrow focus and is not concerned with the general raising of the sanity waterline.
Yes, it is an explicit goal of some EA efforts, such as EA Outreach, The Life You Can Save, Intentional Insights, Giving What We Can.