With very simple kind that I can write easily. Not with human like that takes immense effort. Detecting a car in image isn’t as hard as it sounds. Having been shown pictures of cats and dogs or other arbitrary objects, and then telling apart cats and dogs, that’s hard. Bonus points for not knowing which is which and finding out that there’s two different types of item.
Surely identifying cars isn’t that much easier than identifying cats. I dare say it’s somewhat easier; cars commonly have uniform colours, geometrical shapes, and nice hard edges. But are you really sure you could easily write a piece of software that, given (say) a movie of what you saw on your way to work, would count the number of red and black cars you saw? (Note that it needs to determine when two things in different frames are the same car, and when they aren’t.)
Well, processing a movie that was taken by eyes is somewhat difficult indeed. Still, the difficulty in free form image recognition at human level is so staggering, that this doesn’t get close. Cars are recognizable with various hacks.
How are you going to count the red and black cars without image recognition?
With very simple kind that I can write easily. Not with human like that takes immense effort. Detecting a car in image isn’t as hard as it sounds. Having been shown pictures of cats and dogs or other arbitrary objects, and then telling apart cats and dogs, that’s hard. Bonus points for not knowing which is which and finding out that there’s two different types of item.
Surely identifying cars isn’t that much easier than identifying cats. I dare say it’s somewhat easier; cars commonly have uniform colours, geometrical shapes, and nice hard edges. But are you really sure you could easily write a piece of software that, given (say) a movie of what you saw on your way to work, would count the number of red and black cars you saw? (Note that it needs to determine when two things in different frames are the same car, and when they aren’t.)
Well, processing a movie that was taken by eyes is somewhat difficult indeed. Still, the difficulty in free form image recognition at human level is so staggering, that this doesn’t get close. Cars are recognizable with various hacks.