Hutter has discussed AIXI wireheading several times, most recenly in his AGI-10 presentation.
Thanks, I wasn’t aware that he had address the issue at all. When I made the argument to him in 2002, he didn’t respond to my post.
Mostly he argues that it probably won’t do it—for the same reason that many humans don’t take drugs: the long-term rewards are low.
After Googling for quote to see where it came from, I see that you refuted Hutter’s counter-argument yourself at (Why didn’t you link to it?) I agree with your counter-counter-argument.
Thanks, I wasn’t aware that he had address the issue at all. When I made the argument to him in 2002, he didn’t respond to my post.
After Googling for quote to see where it came from, I see that you refuted Hutter’s counter-argument yourself at (Why didn’t you link to it?) I agree with your counter-counter-argument.
I have another video on the topic as well (Superintelligent junkies) - but unfortunalely there’s no transcript for that one at the moment.