I don’t think it’s everybody—certainly there are cases of severe depression where the person sleeps 20 hours a day.
Maybe it’s more that sleep deprivation can masquerade as depression. That is, if you’re tired, slow, unmotivated, hopeless, lethargic, plunged in gloom, and you’re sleeping four or five hours a night, your problems might be related to your sleep patterns.
Sure, fatigue can cause unhappiness, but I don’t think it looks like clinical depression. You seem to be holding yourself up as an example. Did anyone think you clinically depressed when sleep deprived?
I don’t think it’s everybody—certainly there are cases of severe depression where the person sleeps 20 hours a day.
Maybe it’s more that sleep deprivation can masquerade as depression. That is, if you’re tired, slow, unmotivated, hopeless, lethargic, plunged in gloom, and you’re sleeping four or five hours a night, your problems might be related to your sleep patterns.
Sure, fatigue can cause unhappiness, but I don’t think it looks like clinical depression. You seem to be holding yourself up as an example. Did anyone think you clinically depressed when sleep deprived?