Unfortunately, I can only offer evidence of the “non-ravens are non-black” variety, but that could still be useful.
My experience as a cis male: I have found that at my programming job, where many things are rather unfamiliar, I will spend about 15-60 minutes looking something up rather than ask someone for an answer (which will take about 1 minute). I have also done the directions thing (“We don’t need to ask, I’ll figure it out!”). I believe my internal motivation is I think I will learn it more strongly / discover other interesting things if I look it up myself, and I perceive some small status loss in looking for help / I don’t like bothering other people.
[edit] Something else I should add- I don’t appear to have a strong fear of failing. I will blurt out objections in class, and be right more than I’m wrong, but I can shrug off being wrong. It seems likely that this is linked to emotional and reputational security. (There’s also significant research showing that men are more likely to guess if they don’t know something than just respond that they don’t know it, whereas women are more likely to take the opposite approach.)
Right- that’s part of my desire to not bother people. But oftentimes at least one person who could help will be already bothered, and so that’s not actually a cost (but I act like it is).
Unfortunately, I can only offer evidence of the “non-ravens are non-black” variety, but that could still be useful.
My experience as a cis male: I have found that at my programming job, where many things are rather unfamiliar, I will spend about 15-60 minutes looking something up rather than ask someone for an answer (which will take about 1 minute). I have also done the directions thing (“We don’t need to ask, I’ll figure it out!”). I believe my internal motivation is I think I will learn it more strongly / discover other interesting things if I look it up myself, and I perceive some small status loss in looking for help / I don’t like bothering other people.
[edit] Something else I should add- I don’t appear to have a strong fear of failing. I will blurt out objections in class, and be right more than I’m wrong, but I can shrug off being wrong. It seems likely that this is linked to emotional and reputational security. (There’s also significant research showing that men are more likely to guess if they don’t know something than just respond that they don’t know it, whereas women are more likely to take the opposite approach.)
Which will take one minute, but has a high chance of knocking them out of the “zone”, and regaining focus can easily take 15-20 minutes...
Right- that’s part of my desire to not bother people. But oftentimes at least one person who could help will be already bothered, and so that’s not actually a cost (but I act like it is).