An ebook reader (+ some other prize combination) has occurred to me. I almost bought an ebook reader when they were on sale around Christmas, but couldn’t decide between the Nook and Kindle platforms. One thing that worries me is that I have such a hard time reading paper books at the moment; I wonder if an ebook reader only seems like it would improve productivity when in reality it would shortly due to novelty, but then it would wear off.
Some questions:
How long have you had it?
Did you notice any drop in reading time from initial ownership to present?
How many anki decks is realistic (I’m aware of anki and how it works but haven’t used it regularly)?
ETA: Thought of another question—can you put your finger on what, exactly, allowed you to accomplish your goal vs. when you were reading paper?
An ebook reader (+ some other prize combination) has occurred to me. I almost bought an ebook reader when they were on sale around Christmas, but couldn’t decide between the Nook and Kindle platforms. One thing that worries me is that I have such a hard time reading paper books at the moment; I wonder if an ebook reader only seems like it would improve productivity when in reality it would shortly due to novelty, but then it would wear off.
Some questions:
How long have you had it?
Did you notice any drop in reading time from initial ownership to present?
How many anki decks is realistic (I’m aware of anki and how it works but haven’t used it regularly)?
ETA: Thought of another question—can you put your finger on what, exactly, allowed you to accomplish your goal vs. when you were reading paper?