My model for how people *actually* vote, in practice, is they ask the question: “Does this post have too much or too little Karma on it right now?”
It’s not “do I want to see less/more of this” it’s “do I want to see less/more of this than the current vote implies”?
Thus, posts generally get a lot of their steady-state Karma quickly (assuming they are going to get any) then voting starts to stabilize and at the end you get almost an equal mix of plus and minus.
My prediction is that if I were to withdraw my own upvote from my posts once they got 20+ karma, that the final karma numbers would change less than half of the amount of my vote.
Indeed, recently I saw some posts and thought, “I really hope I don’t see a lot of this. Perhaps I should downvote”, but saw that it had low karma and oldish age, so decided against pushing it further down.
This suggests I may be asking “do I want to see less/more of this than my prediction of its karma total implies”. Which is perhaps silly if I can make little difference to the steady state score.
My model for how people *actually* vote, in practice, is they ask the question: “Does this post have too much or too little Karma on it right now?”
It’s not “do I want to see less/more of this” it’s “do I want to see less/more of this than the current vote implies”?
Thus, posts generally get a lot of their steady-state Karma quickly (assuming they are going to get any) then voting starts to stabilize and at the end you get almost an equal mix of plus and minus.
My prediction is that if I were to withdraw my own upvote from my posts once they got 20+ karma, that the final karma numbers would change less than half of the amount of my vote.
Indeed, recently I saw some posts and thought, “I really hope I don’t see a lot of this. Perhaps I should downvote”, but saw that it had low karma and oldish age, so decided against pushing it further down.
This suggests I may be asking “do I want to see less/more of this than my prediction of its karma total implies”. Which is perhaps silly if I can make little difference to the steady state score.