Case 4: The AI makes tweaks to your current environment in order to construct it in accordance with your mental structures, but in a way more efficient than you could have in the first place.
Sure. In which case I still noodle around on the Internet a bunch rather than work on my novel, but at least I can reassure myself that this optimally reflects my real preferences, and any belief I might have that I would actually rather get more work done on my novel than I do is simply an illusion.
Case 4: The AI makes tweaks to your current environment in order to construct it in accordance with your mental structures, but in a way more efficient than you could have in the first place.
Sure. In which case I still noodle around on the Internet a bunch rather than work on my novel, but at least I can reassure myself that this optimally reflects my real preferences, and any belief I might have that I would actually rather get more work done on my novel than I do is simply an illusion.
If those are, in fact, your real preferences, then sure.