Hmm. I’m not sure what to think about this post given that I just made remarkably similar comments on your general relativity/time turner thread in part accusing you of being on the wrong side of this in a way that you don’t seem to be acknowledging. I would appreciate your comments on this, shminux, and also to know whether or not you are in a position of expertise regarding GR.
(I made that comment before seeing this thread and would probably have worded things differently if I had.)
Hmm. I’m not sure what to think about this post given that I just made remarkably similar comments on your general relativity/time turner thread in part accusing you of being on the wrong side of this in a way that you don’t seem to be acknowledging. I would appreciate your comments on this, shminux, and also to know whether or not you are in a position of expertise regarding GR.
(I made that comment before seeing this thread and would probably have worded things differently if I had.)
Yes, I have spent some 10 years studying the subject and wrote two theses on it. I’ll reply to your other comment separately.