Feedback on the quadrating voting implementation: This might have already been mentioned by others, but I wish there were no −1 option, as this seems to incentivize weird voting behavior like downvoting all essays you haven’t upvoted, rather than upgrading your +1 votes to +4.
I haven’t done the full math, but I think this problem would still exist somewhat if the cheapest negative option was −2 (which would cost 3 points), but not if it was was −3 (which costs 6 points). There are 122 reviewed posts this year, and you have 500 points. So downvoting almost all of them to −1 would only cost ~122 points, leaving you 378 or ~75% of your points for upvotes; whereas downvoting to −2 would cost ~366 points and leave you 134 or ~25% of your points for upvotes.
Feedback on the quadrating voting implementation: This might have already been mentioned by others, but I wish there were no −1 option, as this seems to incentivize weird voting behavior like downvoting all essays you haven’t upvoted, rather than upgrading your +1 votes to +4.
I haven’t done the full math, but I think this problem would still exist somewhat if the cheapest negative option was −2 (which would cost 3 points), but not if it was was −3 (which costs 6 points). There are 122 reviewed posts this year, and you have 500 points. So downvoting almost all of them to −1 would only cost ~122 points, leaving you 378 or ~75% of your points for upvotes; whereas downvoting to −2 would cost ~366 points and leave you 134 or ~25% of your points for upvotes.