We’re still making the final call of whether/how to make the posts into physical books. We’re considering a lot of different options, from ”
The footnote cuts off here.
If you have any questions, bug reports, mild irritations or suggestions on UI improvements, let me know!
Already mentioned in an Open Thread: the deadlines are not displayed at all window sizes.
There are 7 options to sort the posts considered in the review, yet improbably none of them are static (like sorting by title or by date). So if you, say, try to read through all posts in order, for every sorting option there’s a way that the order will be disrupted and you miss some posts. (EDIT: Another way in which this order can be disrupted is if a post is added to the Final Review list because it received its first review.)
I’m pretty sure the Sort by Your Vote option frankly doesn’t work—or I don’t understand what it’s supposed to be doing. It doesn’t sort by the strength of my Review votes, nor by my karma votes.
I’m not quite sure how the Sort by Vote Total options work: Is the idea here that the voting is not secret in aggregate, so the site can show you which posts are currently upvoted, before voting closes? If so, is that desirable?
The Sort By and Ascending / Descending settings reset upon reloading the page.
If you scroll down to the very bottom of the page, there’s half a screen of whitespace.
Oh, I mistakenly translated “sort by your vote” into “sort by Needs Vote.” Your right, sort by “your vote” is just broken right now. (good news is that “sort by Needs Vote” is approximately the same thing, except you have to skim past things you didn’t vote on yet)
Intended behavior by “sort by your vote” is to first show you posts you haven’t voted on (with “posts you previously karma voted on” clustered to the top”) followed by posts that you have voted on (in descending order of vote-strength).
Does your experience match that description? (admittedly that’s not super legible). If not, there might be some bugs in addition to not-being-super-legible.
Oooh, since the 0-strength vote is automatically greyed out to highlight it as the default, I didn’t realize voting 0 would do anything, so I never did. But it appears that the Sort features do take that into account.
The footnote cuts off here.
Already mentioned in an Open Thread: the deadlines are not displayed at all window sizes.
There are 7 options to sort the posts considered in the review, yet improbably none of them are static (like sorting by title or by date). So if you, say, try to read through all posts in order, for every sorting option there’s a way that the order will be disrupted and you miss some posts. (EDIT: Another way in which this order can be disrupted is if a post is added to the Final Review list because it received its first review.)
I’m pretty sure the Sort by Your Vote option frankly doesn’t work—or I don’t understand what it’s supposed to be doing. It doesn’t sort by the strength of my Review votes, nor by my karma votes.
I’m not quite sure how the Sort by Vote Total options work: Is the idea here that the voting is not secret in aggregate, so the site can show you which posts are currently upvoted, before voting closes? If so, is that desirable?
The Sort By and Ascending / Descending settings reset upon reloading the page.
If you scroll down to the very bottom of the page, there’s half a screen of whitespace.
Oh, I mistakenly translated “sort by your vote” into “sort by Needs Vote.” Your right, sort by “your vote” is just broken right now. (good news is that “sort by Needs Vote” is approximately the same thing, except you have to skim past things you didn’t vote on yet)
I’m working on a fix now.
The hover texts for the −9 to +9 votes are inconsistent:
-9 / −4: “Highly / Very misleading, harmful, or unimportant”
-1: “Misleading, harmful or unimportant” (lacks a comma before the “or”)
0: “No strong opinion on this post,” (ends on a hanging comma)
1: “Good” (no punctuation)
4 / 9: “Quite / Extremely important” (no punctuation)
Intended behavior by “sort by your vote” is to first show you posts you haven’t voted on (with “posts you previously karma voted on” clustered to the top”) followed by posts that you have voted on (in descending order of vote-strength).
Does your experience match that description? (admittedly that’s not super legible). If not, there might be some bugs in addition to not-being-super-legible.
Oooh, since the 0-strength vote is automatically greyed out to highlight it as the default, I didn’t realize voting 0 would do anything, so I never did. But it appears that the Sort features do take that into account.