Hi quila, I was hoping to continue this discussion with you if you had the time to read my paper and understand that what I’m talking about is a new “strategy” for defining and apporaching the alignmemt problem, and not based on my personal “introspectively-observed moral reflection process” but based on concepts explored by others in the fields of psychology, evolution, AI, etc… it simply lays out a 10-point rationale, which of course you may agree or disagree with any of them, and specifies a proposed definition for the named Supertrust alignment strategy.
The strategic apporach is to start intentionally “personifying” AI, and relating AI stages to nature and nurture, in order to leverage these valuable evolution-based concepts to build-in the protective instincts that will provide humanity the most protection as AI nears ASI. This isn’t about me, or my personal morals, or even my beliefs… it’s about simply applying logic to the current problem, leveraging the human familial experience and the work of many others, such as those who’ve deeply studied the aspects of trust.
Hi quila, I was hoping to continue this discussion with you if you had the time to read my paper and understand that what I’m talking about is a new “strategy” for defining and apporaching the alignmemt problem, and not based on my personal “introspectively-observed moral reflection process” but based on concepts explored by others in the fields of psychology, evolution, AI, etc… it simply lays out a 10-point rationale, which of course you may agree or disagree with any of them, and specifies a proposed definition for the named Supertrust alignment strategy.
The strategic apporach is to start intentionally “personifying” AI, and relating AI stages to nature and nurture, in order to leverage these valuable evolution-based concepts to build-in the protective instincts that will provide humanity the most protection as AI nears ASI. This isn’t about me, or my personal morals, or even my beliefs… it’s about simply applying logic to the current problem, leveraging the human familial experience and the work of many others, such as those who’ve deeply studied the aspects of trust.