The key problem with pay-on-results is that it creates disincentives for clients to achieve their goals. If someone invests money into a coaching, that’s a commitment device to work on achieving results in the coaching.
I know a few people who were doing hypnosis for treating allergies. One friend who let themselves be paid succeeded in three out of three cases. Another person wanted to do a study and recruited patients for free study participation. It mostly didn’t work with the people who didn’t pay.
I wrote about prediction-based medicine as a system that both creates buy-in for the patient who’s committed while having the same similar incentives for treatment providers to solve people problems in a minimum amount of time.
The key problem with pay-on-results is that it creates disincentives for clients to achieve their goals. If someone invests money into a coaching, that’s a commitment device to work on achieving results in the coaching.
I know a few people who were doing hypnosis for treating allergies. One friend who let themselves be paid succeeded in three out of three cases. Another person wanted to do a study and recruited patients for free study participation. It mostly didn’t work with the people who didn’t pay.
I wrote about prediction-based medicine as a system that both creates buy-in for the patient who’s committed while having the same similar incentives for treatment providers to solve people problems in a minimum amount of time.