If you were developing a simulation of a Universe for entertainment purposes, how long would you let the inhabitants think they were at the top level of reality before introducing firm evidence that something was seriously off?
Also, it’s plausible that any species which can simulate complex universes has a longer attention span than we do.
Consider the range of human art. It’s plausible that simulators would have at least as wide a range, and I can see purist simulators (watchmaker Gods) and interventionists.
I’d do it over and over again, in all sorts of different ways, record the hilarious results, and after each such session reset the simulation back to an earlier, untampered saved state.
If you were developing a simulation of a Universe for entertainment purposes, how long would you let the inhabitants think they were at the top level of reality before introducing firm evidence that something was seriously off?
Just curious.
Depends on how long the backstory is.
Also, it’s plausible that any species which can simulate complex universes has a longer attention span than we do.
Consider the range of human art. It’s plausible that simulators would have at least as wide a range, and I can see purist simulators (watchmaker Gods) and interventionists.
I’d do it over and over again, in all sorts of different ways, record the hilarious results, and after each such session reset the simulation back to an earlier, untampered saved state.
I’ve long suspected that we live in the original universe’s blooper reel.