A few months ago, I was thinking about the possibility of cryonic suspension as part of the Australian health-care system.
That’s a thought. I must confess I hadn’t considered my country to be particularly likely to be a world leader in cryonics adoption.
Unfortunately, I think the pattern theory of identity (according to which your copy is still you) is an illusion, and that this is all cryonics is likely to provide—a way to make copies of the frozen originals.
That belief must be a frustrating belief. Right or wrong I must say my anticipated experience is a whole lot better. But then… I philosophically evaluate preferences over the entire state of the universe by default and yes, ‘identity’ and affiliation with this form are not something that particularly comes up.
That’s a thought. I must confess I hadn’t considered my country to be particularly likely to be a world leader in cryonics adoption.
That belief must be a frustrating belief. Right or wrong I must say my anticipated experience is a whole lot better. But then… I philosophically evaluate preferences over the entire state of the universe by default and yes, ‘identity’ and affiliation with this form are not something that particularly comes up.