This seems to me to be missing the point made well by “Embedded Agency” and exemplified by the anvil problem: you can’t in practice build a system where you can achieve this kind of thing because there is not real separation between inside the system and outside the system, just a model which assumes such a distinction exists.
Thanks for your patience, I think this is important and helpful to talk through (hope it’s as helpful for you as for me!)
Let’s introduce two terminologies I made up. First, the thing I mentioned above:
Non-optimization means that “an action leading to a “good” consequence (according to a predetermined criterion) happens no more often than chance” (e.g. a rock)
Level-1 optimization means “an action leading to a “good” consequence happens no more often than chance at first, but once it’s stumbled upon, it tends to be repeated in the future”. (e.g. bacteria)
Level-2 optimization means “an action leading to a “good” consequence is taken more often than chance from the start, because of foresight and planning”. (e.g. human)
Second, when you run a program:
Algorithm Land is where you find abstract mathematical entities like “variables”, “functions”, etc.
Real World is that place with atoms and stuff.
Now, when you run a program, you can think of what’s happening in Algorithm Land (e.g. a list of numbers is getting sorted) and what’s happening in the Real World (e.g. transistors are switching on and off). It’s really always going to be both at once.
And now let’s simplify things greatly by putting aside the case of world-modeling programs, which have a (partial, low-resolution) copy of the Real World inside Algorithm Land. Instead, let’s restrict our attention a chess-playing program or any other non-world-modeling program.
Now, in this case, when we think about Level-2 optimization, the foresight and planning involved entail searching exclusively through causal pathways that are completely inside Algorithm Land. (Why? Because without a world model, it has no way to reason about Real-World causal pathways.) In this case, I say there isn’t really anything much to worry about.
Why not worry? Think about classic weird AGI disaster scenarios. For example, the algorithm is optimizing for the “reward” value in register 94, so it hacks its RAM to overwrite the register with the biggest possible number, then seizes control of its building and the power grid to ensure that it won’t get turned off, then starts building bigger RAMs, designing killer nanomachines, and on and on. Note that ALL those things (1) involve causal pathways in the Real World (even if the action and consequence are arguably in Algorithm Land) and (2) would be astronomically unlikely to occur by random chance (which is what happens without Level-2 optimization). (I won’t say that nothing can go awry with Level-1 optimization—I have great respect for bacteria—but it’s a much easier situation to keep under control than rogue Level-2 optimization through Real-World causal pathways.)
Again, things that happen in Algorithm Land are also happening in the Real World, but the mapping is kinda arbitrary. High-impact things in Algorithm Land are not high-impact things in the Real World. For example, using RAM to send out manipulative radio signals is high-impact in the Real World, but just a random meaningless series of operations in Algorithm Land. Conversely, an ingeniously-clever chess move in Algorithm Land is just a random activation of transistors in the Real World.
(You do always get Level-1 optimization through Real-World causal pathways, with or without a world model. And you can get Level-2 optimization through Real-World causal pathways, but a necessary requirement seems to be an algorithm with a world-model and self-awareness (i.e. knowledge that there is a relation between things in Algorithm Land and things in the Real World).
Just want to note that I like your distinctions between Algorithm Land and the Real World and also between Level-1 optimization and Level-2 optimization.
I think some discussion of AI safety hasn’t been clear enough on what kind of optimization we expect in which domains. At least, it wasn’t clear to me.
But a couple things fell into place for me about 6 months ago, which very much rhyme with your two distinctions:
1) Inexploitability only makes sense relative to a utility function, and if the AI’s utility function is orthogonal to yours (e.g. because it is operating in Algorithm Land), then it may be exploitable relative to your utility function, even though it’s inexploitable relative to its own utility function. See this comment (and thanks to Rohin for the post that prompted the thought).
2) While some process that’s optimizing super-hard for an outcome in Algorithm Land may bleed out into affecting the Real World, this would sort of be by accident, and seems much easier to mitigate than a process that’s trying to affect the Real World on purpose. See this comment.
Putting them together, a randomly selected superintelligence doesn’t care about atoms, or about macroscopic events unfolding through time (roughly the domain of what we care about). And just because we run it on a computer that from our perspective is embedded in this macroscopic world, and that uses macroscopic resources (compute time, energy), doesn’t mean it’s going to start caring about macroscopic Real World events, or start fighting with us for those resources. (At least, not in a Level-2 way.)
On the other hand, powerful computing systems we build are not going to be randomly selected from the space of possible programs. We’ll have economic incentives to create systems that do consider and operate on the Real World.
So it seems to me that a randomly selected superintelligence may not actually be dangerous (because it doesn’t care about being unplugged—that’s a macroscopic concept that seems simple and natural from our perspective, but would not actually correspond to something in most utility functions), but that the superintelligent systems anyone is likely to actually build will be much more likely to be dangerous (because they will model and or act on the Real World).
Again, things that happen in Algorithm Land are also happening in the Real World, but the mapping is kinda arbitrary. High-impact things in Algorithm Land are not high-impact things in the Real World. For example, using RAM to send out manipulative radio signals is high-impact in the Real World, but just a random meaningless series of operations in Algorithm Land. Conversely, an ingeniously-clever chess move in Algorithm Land is just a random activation of transistors in the Real World.
It’s hard to be sure this separation will remain, though. An algorithm may accidentally hit upon unexpected techniques while learning like row-hammering or performing operations that cause the hardware to generate radio waves (as you point out) or otherwise behave in unexpected ways that may result in preferred outcomes by manipulating things in the “real world” outside the intended “algorithm land”.
For another example, I seem to recall a system that learned to win in a competitive environment by mallocing so much that it starved out its competitors running on the same system. It never knew about the real world consequences of its actions since it didn’t have access to know about other processes on the system, yet it carried out the behavior anyway. There are many other examples of this, and someone even collected them in a paper on arXiv, although I can’t seem to find the link now.
The point is that the separation between Algorithm Land and the Real World doesn’t exist except in our models. Even if you ran the algorithm on a computer with an air gap and placed the whole thing inside a Faraday cage, I’d still be concerned about unexpected leaks outside the sandbox of Algorithm Land into the Real World (maybe someone sneaks their phone in past security, and the optimizer learns to incidentally modify the fan on the computer it runs on to produce sounds that get exploit the phone’s microphone to transmit information to it? the possible failure scenarios are endless). Trying to maintain the separation you are looking for is known generally as “boxing” and although it’s likely an important part of a safe AI development protocol, many people, myself included, consider it inadequate on its own and not something we should rely on, but rather part of a security-in-depth approach.
OK, so I was saying here that software can optimize for something (e.g. predicting a string of bits on the basis of other bits) and it’s by default not particularly dangerous, as long as the optimization does not involve an intelligent foresight-based search through real-world causal pathways to reach the desired goal. My argument for this was (1) Such a system can do Level-1 optimization but not Level-2 optimization (with regards to real-world causal pathways unrelated to implementing the algorithm as intended), and (2) only the latter is unusually dangerous. From your response, it seems like you agree with (1) but disagree with (2). Is that right? If you disagree with (2), can you make up a scenario of something really bad and dangerous, something that couldn’t happen with today’s software, something like a Global Catastrophic Risk, that is caused by a future AI that is optimizing something but is not more specifically using a world-model to do an intelligent search through real-world causal pathways towards a desired goal?
Sure. Let’s construct the 0-optimizer. Its purpose is simply to cause there to be lots of 0s in memory (as opposed to 1s). It only knows about Algorithm Land, and even then it’s a pretty narrow model: it knows about memory and can read and write to it. Now at some point the 0-optimizer manages to get all the bits set to 0 in its addressable memory, so it would seem to have reached maximum attainment.
But it’s a hungry optimizer and keeps trying to find ways to set more bits to 0. It eventually stumbles upon a gap in security of the operating system that allows it to gain access to memory outside its address space, so it can now set those bits to 0. Obviously it does this all “accidentally”, never knowing it’s using a security exploit, it just stumbles into it and just sees memory getting written with 0s so it’s happy (this has plenty of precedent; human minds are great examples of complex systems that have limited introspective access that do lots of complex things without knowing how or why they are doing them). With some luck, it doesn’t immediately destroy itself and gets a chance to be hungry for more 0s.
Next it accidentally starts using the network interface on the computer. Although it doesn’t exactly understand what’s going on, it figures out how to get responses that just contain lots of 0s. Unfortunately for us what this is actually doing is performing a denial of service attack against other computers to get back the 0s. Now we have a powerful optimization process that’s hungry for 0s and it satisfies its hunger by filling our networks with garbage traffic.
Couple of hops on, it’s gone from denial of service attacks to wiping out our ability to use Internet service to our ability to use any EM communication channel to generating dangerously high levels of radiation that kill all life on Earth.
This story involved a lot of luck, but my expectation is that we should not underestimate how “lucky” a powerful optimizer can be, given evolution is a similarly ontologically simple process that nonetheless managed to produce some pretty complex results.
This seems to me to be missing the point made well by “Embedded Agency” and exemplified by the anvil problem: you can’t in practice build a system where you can achieve this kind of thing because there is not real separation between inside the system and outside the system, just a model which assumes such a distinction exists.
Thanks for your patience, I think this is important and helpful to talk through (hope it’s as helpful for you as for me!)
Let’s introduce two terminologies I made up. First, the thing I mentioned above:
Non-optimization means that “an action leading to a “good” consequence (according to a predetermined criterion) happens no more often than chance” (e.g. a rock)
Level-1 optimization means “an action leading to a “good” consequence happens no more often than chance at first, but once it’s stumbled upon, it tends to be repeated in the future”. (e.g. bacteria)
Level-2 optimization means “an action leading to a “good” consequence is taken more often than chance from the start, because of foresight and planning”. (e.g. human)
Second, when you run a program:
Algorithm Land is where you find abstract mathematical entities like “variables”, “functions”, etc.
Real World is that place with atoms and stuff.
Now, when you run a program, you can think of what’s happening in Algorithm Land (e.g. a list of numbers is getting sorted) and what’s happening in the Real World (e.g. transistors are switching on and off). It’s really always going to be both at once.
And now let’s simplify things greatly by putting aside the case of world-modeling programs, which have a (partial, low-resolution) copy of the Real World inside Algorithm Land. Instead, let’s restrict our attention a chess-playing program or any other non-world-modeling program.
Now, in this case, when we think about Level-2 optimization, the foresight and planning involved entail searching exclusively through causal pathways that are completely inside Algorithm Land. (Why? Because without a world model, it has no way to reason about Real-World causal pathways.) In this case, I say there isn’t really anything much to worry about.
Why not worry? Think about classic weird AGI disaster scenarios. For example, the algorithm is optimizing for the “reward” value in register 94, so it hacks its RAM to overwrite the register with the biggest possible number, then seizes control of its building and the power grid to ensure that it won’t get turned off, then starts building bigger RAMs, designing killer nanomachines, and on and on. Note that ALL those things (1) involve causal pathways in the Real World (even if the action and consequence are arguably in Algorithm Land) and (2) would be astronomically unlikely to occur by random chance (which is what happens without Level-2 optimization). (I won’t say that nothing can go awry with Level-1 optimization—I have great respect for bacteria—but it’s a much easier situation to keep under control than rogue Level-2 optimization through Real-World causal pathways.)
Again, things that happen in Algorithm Land are also happening in the Real World, but the mapping is kinda arbitrary. High-impact things in Algorithm Land are not high-impact things in the Real World. For example, using RAM to send out manipulative radio signals is high-impact in the Real World, but just a random meaningless series of operations in Algorithm Land. Conversely, an ingeniously-clever chess move in Algorithm Land is just a random activation of transistors in the Real World.
(You do always get Level-1 optimization through Real-World causal pathways, with or without a world model. And you can get Level-2 optimization through Real-World causal pathways, but a necessary requirement seems to be an algorithm with a world-model and self-awareness (i.e. knowledge that there is a relation between things in Algorithm Land and things in the Real World).
Just want to note that I like your distinctions between Algorithm Land and the Real World and also between Level-1 optimization and Level-2 optimization.
I think some discussion of AI safety hasn’t been clear enough on what kind of optimization we expect in which domains. At least, it wasn’t clear to me.
But a couple things fell into place for me about 6 months ago, which very much rhyme with your two distinctions:
1) Inexploitability only makes sense relative to a utility function, and if the AI’s utility function is orthogonal to yours (e.g. because it is operating in Algorithm Land), then it may be exploitable relative to your utility function, even though it’s inexploitable relative to its own utility function. See this comment (and thanks to Rohin for the post that prompted the thought).
2) While some process that’s optimizing super-hard for an outcome in Algorithm Land may bleed out into affecting the Real World, this would sort of be by accident, and seems much easier to mitigate than a process that’s trying to affect the Real World on purpose. See this comment.
Putting them together, a randomly selected superintelligence doesn’t care about atoms, or about macroscopic events unfolding through time (roughly the domain of what we care about). And just because we run it on a computer that from our perspective is embedded in this macroscopic world, and that uses macroscopic resources (compute time, energy), doesn’t mean it’s going to start caring about macroscopic Real World events, or start fighting with us for those resources. (At least, not in a Level-2 way.)
On the other hand, powerful computing systems we build are not going to be randomly selected from the space of possible programs. We’ll have economic incentives to create systems that do consider and operate on the Real World.
So it seems to me that a randomly selected superintelligence may not actually be dangerous (because it doesn’t care about being unplugged—that’s a macroscopic concept that seems simple and natural from our perspective, but would not actually correspond to something in most utility functions), but that the superintelligent systems anyone is likely to actually build will be much more likely to be dangerous (because they will model and or act on the Real World).
It’s hard to be sure this separation will remain, though. An algorithm may accidentally hit upon unexpected techniques while learning like row-hammering or performing operations that cause the hardware to generate radio waves (as you point out) or otherwise behave in unexpected ways that may result in preferred outcomes by manipulating things in the “real world” outside the intended “algorithm land”.
For another example, I seem to recall a system that learned to win in a competitive environment by mallocing so much that it starved out its competitors running on the same system. It never knew about the real world consequences of its actions since it didn’t have access to know about other processes on the system, yet it carried out the behavior anyway. There are many other examples of this, and someone even collected them in a paper on arXiv, although I can’t seem to find the link now.
The point is that the separation between Algorithm Land and the Real World doesn’t exist except in our models. Even if you ran the algorithm on a computer with an air gap and placed the whole thing inside a Faraday cage, I’d still be concerned about unexpected leaks outside the sandbox of Algorithm Land into the Real World (maybe someone sneaks their phone in past security, and the optimizer learns to incidentally modify the fan on the computer it runs on to produce sounds that get exploit the phone’s microphone to transmit information to it? the possible failure scenarios are endless). Trying to maintain the separation you are looking for is known generally as “boxing” and although it’s likely an important part of a safe AI development protocol, many people, myself included, consider it inadequate on its own and not something we should rely on, but rather part of a security-in-depth approach.
OK, so I was saying here that software can optimize for something (e.g. predicting a string of bits on the basis of other bits) and it’s by default not particularly dangerous, as long as the optimization does not involve an intelligent foresight-based search through real-world causal pathways to reach the desired goal. My argument for this was (1) Such a system can do Level-1 optimization but not Level-2 optimization (with regards to real-world causal pathways unrelated to implementing the algorithm as intended), and (2) only the latter is unusually dangerous. From your response, it seems like you agree with (1) but disagree with (2). Is that right? If you disagree with (2), can you make up a scenario of something really bad and dangerous, something that couldn’t happen with today’s software, something like a Global Catastrophic Risk, that is caused by a future AI that is optimizing something but is not more specifically using a world-model to do an intelligent search through real-world causal pathways towards a desired goal?
Sure. Let’s construct the 0-optimizer. Its purpose is simply to cause there to be lots of 0s in memory (as opposed to 1s). It only knows about Algorithm Land, and even then it’s a pretty narrow model: it knows about memory and can read and write to it. Now at some point the 0-optimizer manages to get all the bits set to 0 in its addressable memory, so it would seem to have reached maximum attainment.
But it’s a hungry optimizer and keeps trying to find ways to set more bits to 0. It eventually stumbles upon a gap in security of the operating system that allows it to gain access to memory outside its address space, so it can now set those bits to 0. Obviously it does this all “accidentally”, never knowing it’s using a security exploit, it just stumbles into it and just sees memory getting written with 0s so it’s happy (this has plenty of precedent; human minds are great examples of complex systems that have limited introspective access that do lots of complex things without knowing how or why they are doing them). With some luck, it doesn’t immediately destroy itself and gets a chance to be hungry for more 0s.
Next it accidentally starts using the network interface on the computer. Although it doesn’t exactly understand what’s going on, it figures out how to get responses that just contain lots of 0s. Unfortunately for us what this is actually doing is performing a denial of service attack against other computers to get back the 0s. Now we have a powerful optimization process that’s hungry for 0s and it satisfies its hunger by filling our networks with garbage traffic.
Couple of hops on, it’s gone from denial of service attacks to wiping out our ability to use Internet service to our ability to use any EM communication channel to generating dangerously high levels of radiation that kill all life on Earth.
This story involved a lot of luck, but my expectation is that we should not underestimate how “lucky” a powerful optimizer can be, given evolution is a similarly ontologically simple process that nonetheless managed to produce some pretty complex results.