You may live in a place where arguments about the color of the sky are really arguments about tax policy. I don’t think I live there? I’m reading your article saying “If Blue-Sky-ism is to stand a chance against the gravitational pull of Green-Sky-ism, it must offer more than talk of a redistributionist tax system” and thinking ”...what on earth...?”. This might be perceptive cultural insight about somewhere, but I do not understand the context. [This my guess as to why are you are being voted down]
Great points. There’s nobody more postmodernist than the religious person who fights this proxy war. Taking a term from the academic/youtuber Justin Sledge: post-theism is the removal of the existence question from the practice of a religion. While religious practice can be meaningful in a number of dimensions, including spiritual, cultural, ethnic and sociological, the practice should not require that a religious person sacrifice their philosophical integrity.
You may live in a place where arguments about the color of the sky are really arguments about tax policy. I don’t think I live there? I’m reading your article saying “If Blue-Sky-ism is to stand a chance against the gravitational pull of Green-Sky-ism, it must offer more than talk of a redistributionist tax system” and thinking ”...what on earth...?”. This might be perceptive cultural insight about somewhere, but I do not understand the context. [This my guess as to why are you are being voted down]
Great points. There’s nobody more postmodernist than the religious person who fights this proxy war.
Taking a term from the academic/youtuber Justin Sledge: post-theism is the removal of the existence question from the practice of a religion. While religious practice can be meaningful in a number of dimensions, including spiritual, cultural, ethnic and sociological, the practice should not require that a religious person sacrifice their philosophical integrity.