Ah. It looked like a useful technical term. (And here are a set of scenarios to watch out for epidemically, and what we call them, so they’re easy to remember.)
Oh, I see, thanks. In the context of this outbreak, I think I’m going to avoid the term, because I can imagine a specific way in which this choice of words might be considered dehumanizing, which is very far from my intention. However, it does seem worthwhile to find a catchy analogy to sum this up.
Ah. It looked like a useful technical term. (And here are a set of scenarios to watch out for epidemically, and what we call them, so they’re easy to remember.)
Oh, I see, thanks. In the context of this outbreak, I think I’m going to avoid the term, because I can imagine a specific way in which this choice of words might be considered dehumanizing, which is very far from my intention. However, it does seem worthwhile to find a catchy analogy to sum this up.