Updates Thread. Below are occational updates with lists of new tacit knowledge videos so you don’t have to scroll through the list again to find new videos.
“Meehl was a philosopher of science, a statistician, and a lifelong clinical psychologist. He wrote a book showing that statistical prediction usually beats clinical judgement in 1954, and a paper on the replication crisis in psychology in 1978. He personally knew people like Popper, Kuhn, Lakatos, Feyerabend, etc. and brings their insights to life in these course lectures.”
Me: I was hesitant to add a lecture series to this list at first. I changed my mind after listening to the first video, where Meehl provides interesting details (gossip, almost) about the life of an academic and the various personalities of his successful academic peers.
“Kenneth Folk is an instructor of meditation who has received worldwide acknowledgement for his innovative approach to secular Buddhist meditation. After twenty years of training in the Burmese Theravada Buddhist tradition of Mahasi Sayadaw, including three years of intensive silent retreat in monasteries in Asia and the U.S., he began to spread his own findings, successfully stripping away religious dogma to render meditation accessible to modern practitioners” (Website).
“Construction contractor, DIY living off-grid in Alaska and Michigan.”
“He and his wife bootstrapped themselves building their own cabin, then house, sell at a profit, rinse and repeat a few times. There are many, many videos of people building their own cabins, etc. Dave’s are simple, clear, lucid, from a guy who’s done it many times and has skin in the game.”
“Pianist and composer, performed with the Chicago Symphony Orchestra, Adjunct Associate Professor of Music and Music Education at New York University.”
“Tonebase (a paid music learning service) recorded a number of free to watch conversations with Bernstein while he plays through or teaches a piece. Bernstein is about 90 years old at the time of recording and shares an incredible amount of tacit knowledge, especially about body mechanics when playing piano.”
“My job as a bush pilot is to fly missionaries, medical flights, and cargo into mountain and jungle airstrips throughout all of [Papua New Guinea]” (YouTube).
“Consultant, Business Coach, and Co-Author of The Chairs Are Where The People Go.”
Testimonials: Mark Surman, President of Mozilla; Shenda Tanchak, Registrar & CEO of Ontario College of Pharmacists; Michael Bungay Stanier, Author of The Coaching Habit; others (Website).
“Advoko has a site in the woods near Lake Ladoga in Russia where he films himself building various improvements by hand with local materials. Very competent craftsman, professional touch with no hype.”
“Watch some of the best SOLIDWORKS, OnShape, Fusion 360 and Inventor users Speedrun some challenging models while going head to head and sharing their screens” (YouTube).
Has worked in roles dealing with computer graphics at Pixar Animation Studios, Oculus Story Studio, Oculus+Facebook, Adobe, and other places since 2003 (Website).
“Dan Gelbart has been Founder and CTO of hardware companies for over 40 years, and shares his deep knowledge of tips and tricks for fast, efficient, and accurate mechanical fabrication. He covers a variety of tools, materials, and techniques that are extremely valuable to have in your toolbox.”
Carl Rogers. Founder of person-centered psychotherapy; one of the founders of humanistic psychology (Wikipedia).
Frederick Perls. Developed Gestalt therapy with his wife, Laura Perls (Wikipedia).
Albert Ellis. Founder of rational emotive behavior therapy (REBT) (Wikipedia).
Everett Shostrom. Put together the film. “He also produced well known tests and inventories including the Personal Orientation Inventory, Personal Orientation Dimensions, the Pair Attraction Inventory, and the Caring Relationship Inventory ” (Wikipedia).
Arnold Lazurus. “Authored the first text on cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) called Behaviour Therapy and Beyond” and won various awards including two from the American Psychological Association and the American Board of Professional Psychology (Wikipedia).
Aaron Beck. “He is regarded as the father of cognitive therapy and cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT)” (Wikipedia).
“Professor of Finance at the Stern School of Business at New York University, where he teaches corporate finance and equity valuation. [...] Damodaran is best known as the author of several widely used academic and practitioner texts on Valuation, Corporate Finance and Investment Management as well as provider of comprehensive data for valuation purposes” (Wikipedia).
Anecdote from an experienced finance friend: “Damodaran is an NYU prof who’s super credible and well regarded for his practical tutorials on valuations and corporate finance, I used to refer to his blog often.”
Guitarist who has contributed to albums like Thundercat’s “Drunk” and John Mayer’s “Paradise Valley.” Has toured with Jonny Land and John Mayer (Website).
“[S]ophomore at MIT [...], IOI 2020 Winner, Codeforces Max Rating 2931 (International Grandmaster), CodeChef Max Rating 2916 (7 stars)” (YouTube About).
Steven Ramsey, 200 days of woodworking projects during the COVID-19 lockdowns.
Hobbyist woodworker turned woodworking content creator (1.9M YouTube subscribers); formerly a professional graphic designer (Website).
Systems Engineer at Juniper Networks for ~9.5 years, Group Engineering Manager at Khan Academy for ~7.5 years, and YouTuber with 1.2M subscribers (LinkedIn, YouTube).
“Kenneth Folk is an instructor of meditation who has received worldwide acknowledgement for his innovative approach to secular Buddhist meditation. After twenty years of training in the Burmese Theravada Buddhist tradition of Mahasi Sayadaw, including three years of intensive silent retreat in monasteries in Asia and the U.S., he began to spread his own findings, successfully stripping away religious dogma to render meditation accessible to modern practitioners” (Website).
Per his about, Gwern has also “worked for, published in, or consulted for: Wired, MIRI/SIAI, CFAR, GiveWell, the FBI, Cool Tools, Quantimodo, New Work Encyclopedia, Bitcoin Weekly, Mobify, Bellroy, Dominic Frisby, and private clients” (Website).
I’ve had a busy past few months (if a three-month meditation retreat counts as busy). There have been more videos submitted than videos added to the post in this batch. I will add these in the coming months.
Updates Thread. Below are occational updates with lists of new tacit knowledge videos so you don’t have to scroll through the list again to find new videos.
You can subscribe to the Tacit Knowledge Video Updates Substack to have these emailed to you or sent to an RSS feed (https://tacitknowledgevideos.substack.com/feed).
Below are the new tacit knowledge videos added to the post since mid-April, 2024.
Paul Meehl, Philosophical Psychology 1989 course lectures, “deep introduction to 20c philosophy of science, using psychology rather than physics as the model science—because it’s harder!” (via @Jonathan Stray)
“Meehl was a philosopher of science, a statistician, and a lifelong clinical psychologist. He wrote a book showing that statistical prediction usually beats clinical judgement in 1954, and a paper on the replication crisis in psychology in 1978. He personally knew people like Popper, Kuhn, Lakatos, Feyerabend, etc. and brings their insights to life in these course lectures.”
Me: I was hesitant to add a lecture series to this list at first. I changed my mind after listening to the first video, where Meehl provides interesting details (gossip, almost) about the life of an academic and the various personalities of his successful academic peers.
Kenneth Folk, Guided Tour to 13 Jhanas.
“Kenneth Folk is an instructor of meditation who has received worldwide acknowledgement for his innovative approach to secular Buddhist meditation. After twenty years of training in the Burmese Theravada Buddhist tradition of Mahasi Sayadaw, including three years of intensive silent retreat in monasteries in Asia and the U.S., he began to spread his own findings, successfully stripping away religious dogma to render meditation accessible to modern practitioners” (Website).
Dave Whipple, building a “[s]imple off grid Cabin that anyone can build & afford (and many other builds on his channel). (via @Vitor)
“Construction contractor, DIY living off-grid in Alaska and Michigan.”
“He and his wife bootstrapped themselves building their own cabin, then house, sell at a profit, rinse and repeat a few times. There are many, many videos of people building their own cabins, etc. Dave’s are simple, clear, lucid, from a guy who’s done it many times and has skin in the game.”
Seymour Bernstein, teaching piano. (via @lfrymire)
“Pianist and composer, performed with the Chicago Symphony Orchestra, Adjunct Associate Professor of Music and Music Education at New York University.”
“Tonebase (a paid music learning service) recorded a number of free to watch conversations with Bernstein while he plays through or teaches a piece. Bernstein is about 90 years old at the time of recording and shares an incredible amount of tacit knowledge, especially about body mechanics when playing piano.”
RegLocal, advanced driving. (via @masasin)
“former police driving instructor; he has a book, but the videos themselves are so helpful”
Ryan Farran (Missionary Bush Pilot), flying small aircraft in Papua New Guinea. (via @masasin)
“My job as a bush pilot is to fly missionaries, medical flights, and cargo into mountain and jungle airstrips throughout all of [Papua New Guinea]” (YouTube).
Misha Glouberman, Recorded Coaching Session. (via @Misha Glouberman)
“Consultant, Business Coach, and Co-Author of The Chairs Are Where The People Go.”
Testimonials: Mark Surman, President of Mozilla; Shenda Tanchak, Registrar & CEO of Ontario College of Pharmacists; Michael Bungay Stanier, Author of The Coaching Habit; others (Website).
Max Egorov, “[b]ushcraft and off-grid craftsmanship”. (Russian narration) (via @TANSTAAFL)
“Advoko has a site in the woods near Lake Ladoga in Russia where he films himself building various improvements by hand with local materials. Very competent craftsman, professional touch with no hype.”
Various skilled CAD users and instructors, CAD vs. CAD Speedrunning Tournament. (via @zookini)
“Watch some of the best SOLIDWORKS, OnShape, Fusion 360 and Inventor users Speedrun some challenging models while going head to head and sharing their screens” (YouTube).
Scott Chacon, “So You Think You Know Git” (Part 2). (via @Max Entropy)
Co-founder of GitHub and author of Pro Git.
Inigo Quilez, computer graphics programming. (via @Robert Diersing)
Has worked in roles dealing with computer graphics at Pixar Animation Studios, Oculus Story Studio, Oculus+Facebook, Adobe, and other places since 2003 (Website).
Dan Gelbart, Building Prototypes (18 Part Series). (via @Adrian Kelly)
“Dan Gelbart has been Founder and CTO of hardware companies for over 40 years, and shares his deep knowledge of tips and tricks for fast, efficient, and accurate mechanical fabrication. He covers a variety of tools, materials, and techniques that are extremely valuable to have in your toolbox.”
Hrishi Olickel, creating a proof-of-concept Web App using LLMs.
CTO at Greywing (YC W21) (GitHub).
Carl Rogers, Frederick Perls, Albert Ellis, Everett Shostrom, Arnold Lazurus, Aaron Beck: Three Approaches to Psychotherapy—recorded therapy sessions.
Carl Rogers. Founder of person-centered psychotherapy; one of the founders of humanistic psychology (Wikipedia).
Frederick Perls. Developed Gestalt therapy with his wife, Laura Perls (Wikipedia).
Albert Ellis. Founder of rational emotive behavior therapy (REBT) (Wikipedia).
Everett Shostrom. Put together the film. “He also produced well known tests and inventories including the Personal Orientation Inventory, Personal Orientation Dimensions, the Pair Attraction Inventory, and the Caring Relationship Inventory ” (Wikipedia).
Arnold Lazurus. “Authored the first text on cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) called Behaviour Therapy and Beyond” and won various awards including two from the American Psychological Association and the American Board of Professional Psychology (Wikipedia).
Aaron Beck. “He is regarded as the father of cognitive therapy and cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT)” (Wikipedia).
Aswath Damodaran, “Reading a 10K”.
“Professor of Finance at the Stern School of Business at New York University, where he teaches corporate finance and equity valuation. [...] Damodaran is best known as the author of several widely used academic and practitioner texts on Valuation, Corporate Finance and Investment Management as well as provider of comprehensive data for valuation purposes” (Wikipedia).
Anecdote from an experienced finance friend: “Damodaran is an NYU prof who’s super credible and well regarded for his practical tutorials on valuations and corporate finance, I used to refer to his blog often.”
Zane Carney; composing, recording, and producing music live.
Guitarist who has contributed to albums like Thundercat’s “Drunk” and John Mayer’s “Paradise Valley.” Has toured with Jonny Land and John Mayer (Website).
Shannon (House Improvements), “How to build a deck” (6 Part Series).
Has been in the construction industry for decades. Runs his own renovation business. 925K YouTube subscribers (Channel Trailer).
Me: A friend of mine successfully built a deck using this playlist as a guide.
René Rebe, live streaming Linux, open source, and low-level programming hardware and software projects.
CEO of ExactCODE GmbH since 2005 (LinkedIn).
BNYX, Olswelm, and other indie (?) music producers; music production livestream VODs.
Unsure of credibility. A friend into music production recommended some of the videos on this channel. He specifically liked BYNX and olswel.
William Lin, competitive programming.
“[S]ophomore at MIT [...], IOI 2020 Winner, Codeforces Max Rating 2931 (International Grandmaster), CodeChef Max Rating 2916 (7 stars)” (YouTube About).
Steven Ramsey, 200 days of woodworking projects during the COVID-19 lockdowns.
Hobbyist woodworker turned woodworking content creator (1.9M YouTube subscribers); formerly a professional graphic designer (Website).
Ben Eater, “Build a 65c02-based computer from scratch”.
Systems Engineer at Juniper Networks for ~9.5 years, Group Engineering Manager at Khan Academy for ~7.5 years, and YouTuber with 1.2M subscribers (LinkedIn, YouTube).
Tacit Knowledge Videos added to the list from May–August, 2024. Enjoy!
Kenneth Folk, pranayama breathing.
“Kenneth Folk is an instructor of meditation who has received worldwide acknowledgement for his innovative approach to secular Buddhist meditation. After twenty years of training in the Burmese Theravada Buddhist tradition of Mahasi Sayadaw, including three years of intensive silent retreat in monasteries in Asia and the U.S., he began to spread his own findings, successfully stripping away religious dogma to render meditation accessible to modern practitioners” (Website).
Keith Johnstone, teaching improv.
Author of Impro.
“A pioneer of improvisational theatre, he was best known for inventing the Impro System, part of which are the Theatresports” (Wikipedia).
Gwern, “Internet Search Case Studies”
Gwern blogs at his well-known gwern.net.
Per his about, Gwern has also “worked for, published in, or consulted for: Wired, MIRI/SIAI, CFAR, GiveWell, the FBI, Cool Tools, Quantimodo, New Work Encyclopedia, Bitcoin Weekly, Mobify, Bellroy, Dominic Frisby, and private clients” (Website).
I’ve had a busy past few months (if a three-month meditation retreat counts as busy). There have been more videos submitted than videos added to the post in this batch. I will add these in the coming months.