It is possible to make a Turing machine that returns “HALT”, “RUNS FOREVER” or “UNSURE” and is never wrong. If the universe as we know it runs on quantum mechanics, it should be possible to simulate a mathematician in a box with unlimited data storage and time, using a finite Turing machine. This would imply the existence of some problem that would leave the mathematician stuck forever. There are plenty of Turing machines where we have no Idea if they halt. If you describe the quantum state of the observable universe to plank length resolution, what part of humans supposedly infinite minds is not described in these 2^2^100 bits of information?
It is possible to make a Turing machine that returns “HALT”, “RUNS FOREVER” or “UNSURE” and is never wrong. If the universe as we know it runs on quantum mechanics, it should be possible to simulate a mathematician in a box with unlimited data storage and time, using a finite Turing machine. This would imply the existence of some problem that would leave the mathematician stuck forever. There are plenty of Turing machines where we have no Idea if they halt. If you describe the quantum state of the observable universe to plank length resolution, what part of humans supposedly infinite minds is not described in these 2^2^100 bits of information?