I’ve noticed that ADHD exacerbates the failure mode because one or both people are concerned about losing the trace on the idea they have.
Not a perfect solution, but a skilled facilitator can pick up some of the slack here: https://musingsandroughdrafts.wordpress.com/2018/12/24/using-the-facilitator-to-make-sure-that-each-persons-point-is-held/
But yeah, learning to put your point aside for a moment, without loosing the thread of it, is an important subskill.
Yes, and I think having a facilitator manage branch control is basically the only good solution for now until we get an AI assistant that can add structure to speech transcription.
Yeah this can make it very hard not to be in “formulating“ mode as opposed to “listening” mode when not speaking
having a note taking program open helps a lot in my experience.
I’ve noticed that ADHD exacerbates the failure mode because one or both people are concerned about losing the trace on the idea they have.
Not a perfect solution, but a skilled facilitator can pick up some of the slack here: https://musingsandroughdrafts.wordpress.com/2018/12/24/using-the-facilitator-to-make-sure-that-each-persons-point-is-held/
But yeah, learning to put your point aside for a moment, without loosing the thread of it, is an important subskill.
Yes, and I think having a facilitator manage branch control is basically the only good solution for now until we get an AI assistant that can add structure to speech transcription.
Yeah this can make it very hard not to be in “formulating“ mode as opposed to “listening” mode when not speaking
having a note taking program open helps a lot in my experience.