I don’t parse either of those as computer-related. I use the term “brain-bits” to mean cognitive modules; the ‘bits’ part is just a more alliterative synonym of ‘pieces’ or ‘sections’ in that context. I’m not even sure how to reply to the suggestion that the second example is computer-related; none of the terms in that sentence except ‘bit’ (which I again parse as ‘piece’) parse that way to me, outside of the fact that they’re sometimes used to describe computers.
Well, I guess it’s an example of the sort of effect described in the article then. Some other parts also sounded somewhat computery to me, but that probably just was priming.
I don’t parse either of those as computer-related. I use the term “brain-bits” to mean cognitive modules; the ‘bits’ part is just a more alliterative synonym of ‘pieces’ or ‘sections’ in that context. I’m not even sure how to reply to the suggestion that the second example is computer-related; none of the terms in that sentence except ‘bit’ (which I again parse as ‘piece’) parse that way to me, outside of the fact that they’re sometimes used to describe computers.
Well, I guess it’s an example of the sort of effect described in the article then. Some other parts also sounded somewhat computery to me, but that probably just was priming.