This is nice, thank you! I must still continue to complain about the pseudo-WYSIWYG comment box, that transforms Markdown into inline rich text. Just straight Markdown (ideally but not necessarily with a preview area) would be much more usable. Perhaps with the option of a proper WYSIWYG rich text editor—which should, for instance, have the formatting buttons always displayed rather than only when highlighting something, and not transform entered text into formatting—for those who want that.
This is nice, thank you! I must still continue to complain about the pseudo-WYSIWYG comment box, that transforms Markdown into inline rich text. Just straight Markdown (ideally but not necessarily with a preview area) would be much more usable. Perhaps with the option of a proper WYSIWYG rich text editor—which should, for instance, have the formatting buttons always displayed rather than only when highlighting something, and not transform entered text into formatting—for those who want that.